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Mob 2x5 clear.mp4



Ooof, of all the episodes to get with a technical issue :( Appreciate the reaction anyway! Listening to it all was still fun though haha!

Daniel Gonzalez

Great reactions couple of things though pretty sure the emotion was courage which is a positive emotion as well as opposed to mogamis negative emotions also though I'm not quite as sure but even though the girl asagiri is definitely a bitch in real life I think mogami was influencing everyone in that world to make them extra shitty and lastly I I'm told the manga was much more graphic the giant spirit we see in the background most likely bit mob in half since his situation was pretty desperate before ???% came that's why he says he can't go out like this he was on the verge of defeat and pretty much did lose luckily ??? took care of the rest


I don’t see why they wouldn’t have split Mob in half in the anime then if that’s the case. It’s not as if they feel it’s too graphic, just in the last episode Mob spilt that in half right before her tricked Mob and took his powers away lol