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Hey guys so Tokyo Ghoul finally uploaded but Mob pyscho 100 is still processing. We are unsure as to why this is an issue but we are doing our best to get everything out to you. Thank you for your patience ❤️



Weird. I was able to just download straight from Google Drive and watch it on my computer. Guess that's something others can do until it's finished processing?

Magdiel León

We’re getting another episode?!

Jasmin Holmes

Sorry guys I signed up for breaking bad and you guys take more than one week on a Thursday to do so. I'll just wait on YouTube


I’m confused to this comment. We uploaded BB the 7th and then on the 14th. That’s a week...but no worries thank you for your support and see you on YouTube!

Jasmin Holmes

I see more of the 100 every other post. And 7th episode you posted took more than over a week I almost forget you guys do breaking bad


what about vikings this week?


It will hopefully be up today. With google acting weird we weren’t able to upload everything yesterday as we planned. Thank you for your patience and will hopefully have it up soon!