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Hey guys! As you can tell I just did a mass upload of AoT! We are getting ahead by a few weeks on all the shows we are watching at the moment so be prepared to see a mass upload of Haikyuu and Vikings tomorrow and the next day. Next week we will be mass uploading all of our new shows as well! The plan is to be ahead of youtube by 3 weeks. And we will now be posting an episode of each show we watch Monday-Friday  rather than at random. 

The 10 dollar tier will not only have the full timer reactions but that is where you can be  a few weeks ahead on episodes! 

Early bird tier will just be a week ahead of youtube, as it has been.

We are trying to organize things and now that we have Eric as our editor things will flow much more smoothly, Expect to see an actual schedule by next week!  



awesome can't wait for vikings

Jean D. Leon

What do you mean by mass upload? I only see one new episode


Omg can’t wait for FMAB ❤️


i made patreon just for you guys; watching ur reactions are a greater pick-me-up than coffee and this is comin from a near caffeine addict :) ur laughs are contagious and im grateful for everything you guys do, knowin that you have a whole other life besides just these reactions vids. Please keep doin what you guys have been doin so far and know that you and your works are very, very much appreciated by a total stranger LOL


Working 9 to 5......muhuhahaha!


Girl, Christmas was 3 weeks ago and you still blessin' us with all this content <3 Can't wait for next week :)

Champion Bescos

These massive drops are a blessing, and I'm stoked that a schedule is coming soon. It's amazing how the channel is growing; more merch, more editors, more shows, and a new studio! So excited for this season of Imon_Snow!

Kiyale King

I’m glad to see things are going well for you and your channel.