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You have a week to vote in a new anime! We will start watching this new anime in January!


Joshua delrey

Damn no mob psycho !!!!!


Or hunter x hunter


I love Hunter Hunter but it may be too long for them. Also it's a bitch for copyright


Hunter x Hunter. Truuuuuuuuuust us


We are reacting to Hunter x Hunter after we finish Haikyuu :) we are adding a couple new anime for next year!

Alex Johnson

Fullmetal is great and the English Dub for it is amazing. It's arguably better than the Japanese.


Watch this! It will explain everything <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzxvB0csXjI&amp;feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzxvB0csXjI&amp;feature=youtu.be</a>


Run with the wind is a new amazing track/running anime. Even if you don’t react to it, you might want to watch it in your spare time. 👍

Joshua delrey

Mob psycho on 12 eps ill pay 10$


I really want Avatar! Especially since the Normies are finishing it up 😭


They said in the youtube video they will add hxh to patreon then youtube. I would highly recommend not having any hxh content on youtube unless it is literally just the reaction with no sound or video because of the copyright issues around it. Upload it on google drive or something and just share it on patreon, if you want youtube subs to be able to view it then make it available to everyone or at the $1 level haha i'm sure you will see far more $1 patrons if you did


While I know already FMA is going to get picked (honestly its not even a contest) I would have loved to see them react to Psycho-Pass I feel like they'd really be interested in the universe and I'm pretty sure they'd love some of the characters. Whelp, hope its on the next poll :)]

Brian Poston

One day I will get to see you react to the absurdity that is JoJo. One day...


OOOOF, this is such a hard decision. I want them to react to all of these (except RWBY) lol. But i'll vote for Avatar. FMAB would be a really good choice too. And Jojo lmaoooo, i'd love to see their reactions to the crazy shit that goes down in it.


FMAB is my #1 favorite alongside Hunter. Easy for me. Such a masterpiece and an amazing dub/sub as well

George Byrd

FMAB and Avatar are both so good. But Fmab just because it is the GOAT anime. And it’s super sad


Never heard anyone make that argument before haha i know the English dub is considered one of the better English dubbed anime but i have yet to hear a dub that portrays a characters intended personality and emotion better than sub. That's why i can't stand to watch dub, they ruin characters personalities like Yuno in Marai Nikki and Inori in Guilty Crown sound completely opposite of how they are meant to be portrayed. On that note i would actually recommend Mirai Nikki be on the next poll, don't think i have seen a channel react to it yet and i havnt watched it in years but i remember it was such a twisted mind fuck of an anime.


FMAB in Japanese pls


I slept on Code Geass and Jojo for years. All it took was two episodes to get me hooked on Code Geass and adjusting to Jojo took a few tries but now its what I wait for in anticipation weekly......nowhere near as predictable as other animes. I say react to one of these voted underdogs for 2019

Megi Moon

Avatar the last airbender - everyone should watch this show :D It's so amazing &lt;3


Well if you want to instantly add 20,000 followers on YouTube you will react to RWBY. That fandom travels and reps hard


Full metal-RWBY-Avatar are my top


You and Abi should try Seven Deadly Sins


FMAB is fantastic dubbed. Would really love for you guys to watch The Promised Neverland that starts airing in January. I think it will help continue to grow your channel even more if you picked an anime that you can react to the week it comes out.

Lalisa Truong

I love both FMAB and ATLA so this is really hard to choose. I know FMAB is going to win though so I'll just put my vote down for ATLA. When FMAB does win, you girls can watch either the sub or dub as I think both are equally good. Up to you girls though!


well, damn, who else is having a hard time choosing? haha This is such a hard decision :( oh well


I honestly vote the FMAB dub, since it is probably the best dub out here. The English version actually does a lot to characterize the brothers that I think is lost in the subs.




jojo is the greatset anime of all time

Allison Cornell

Avatar isn't an anime..its a cartoon, but ATLA for sure. Brotherhood is good too

Chris V

ATLA is classified as anime. We've already had this debate, c'mon.

Chris V

Damn, I was hoping Samurai Champloo and Parasyte would be on here so we could be done with the shorter shows before embarking on some of the longer journeys like HxH. Oh well, I'll just have to cast my vote for ATLA as it's one of my favorite animes. But Samurai Champloo next! It's right up your alley, it's short, sweet and crazy. A perfect blend if you will.


Oh man, FMAB and JoJo. Why you gotta tear me apart like this. My brain won’t let me choose anything but FMAB, but my heart screams for JoJo.


Damn why does no one ever put Gurren Lagann on their polls?! Ah well FMA:B is great too!

Ousmane Dembele

Just because it’s a good dub doesn’t make it better than the sub. Al sounds about 8 years old in the dub


Psycho Pass has no chance on winning but imma still vote for it lol


100% FMAB


FMAB is good too but I hope Code Geass gets some traction.


fmab all the way!!


RWBY lmao


JOJO I wanna see the girls try to crush on '15 year old' Jotaro Kujo.


How can you make me choose between Fullmetal and Jojo my heart is bleeding 😭💔


Holy shit, Gurren Lagann would be an amazing series for them to react to. I share your pain.

Savaun Lollis

You guys always choose to watch the sub anime, just this once could we get the dub plz


Psycho Pass is so underrated. it's actually a well written anime. FMAB is too long you should have a slot for short anime too. FMAB will just win by a landslide since its popular.


Separate poll for sub/dub? This one probably has a dub leniency.

Hamza Khan

I really want psycho pass to win but oh well maybe one day.

Jhoita Arcaya

This post is killing me slowly xD... To many good choices!

brayan Tenesaca

This is a no lose situation for me tbh


You could basically argue the same thing for Jojo’s expect it would probably be even more tbh


Will I guess Jojo will stand a better chance in the next poll after FMAB



Champion Bescos

Definitely Avatar. It’s just... so heartwarming and unique and increasingly well thought out. More than anything, it’s about the characters and their journey, and I think Imon and Abi respond well to shows like that, to sort of contrast the plot and twist driven shows like Attack on Titan. FMAB 2003 is personally preferred over Brotherhood, but I know I’m on the minority.

Lalisa Truong

FMAB to me is basically the ATLA of anime. Both are so well-written, has a huge cast of well-written and developed characters (side characters even have importance and are fleshed out in their own way), and the journey from beginning to end is just so wholesome and worth it. ATLA by the end made me feel so satisfied and the same happened with FMAB. I enjoyed what FMA 2003 had to offer, but I definitely prefer FMAB more.


Avatar and FMAB are great shows, but based on AOT they'll get spoiled to death by comments. JOJO community is niche enough and usually respectful enough not to spoil. Plus with how crazy it is, spoilers are not that big of a deal


What happened with AOT hopefully won't happen again now that they have mods.

Ryan Carvalho

I really really really hope they do the dub for Brotherhood.

Megi Moon

How about watch both Avatar and Full Metal? ;D


Jojo in third place breaks my heart. It's the perfect show for them to react.

Nick Heiney

There are some good anime on this poll!


I really hope you watch jojo sometime




Honestly Jojo is without a doubt the best show on this poll and one of the best anime out. But I doubt many have seen it yet. Next would be psycho pass but only the first season is worth it and my god is it worth it