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aot edit.mov



Maaan I hopped over here so fast these videos give me life




While everyone was excited to see episodes 5-8 I'm just waiting for that commander to show back up. Somebody take that b! +¢h out! Not that I wasn't excited to see ep 5...best reaction I have ever seen to it 😂

Corey Hughes

That last scene was so cool it about blew Imons mind!

Champion Bescos

Sorry to hear that some of the guests - I consider them mere visitors, if even that - viewing the channel back on Youtube are whining about things a ten year old could understand; the healthy nature of supply and demand. They can't all be block-headed kids incapable of seeing past their own entitlement, though I'm sure some of them are just exactly that.. The rest of them, however, are clearly -intentionally- complaining and stirring up trouble just to be asses. They know full well that similar reaction channels have the same (if not even more 'costly') Patreon perks that you offer. Key word being offer, as it's clearly a choice they refuse to acknowledge. Your response to those trolls was both accurate and hilarious, but at the same time, I just hate to see you get riled up because of these rare, malicious few. Expending your energy (and you too Abi! you know that we know you're genuine and we love you) to defend yourselves to such an insignificant and truly abrasive minority upsets your fans like me because they're not worth your acknowledgement, Imon. Even if you feel they may be leading susceptible others down the wrong mindset, have faith that your true fans will come to your defense. Keep doing what you ladies have been doing and they'll slowly trickle away and disappear like the hollow people they are. Your reactions, your personalities, they're so unique, and I believe most of your viewers and patrons see that. Many of us are thankful to even HAVE the option of Patreon. So just keep your beautiful heads up, take deep breaths, and remember that you ladies are deeply appreciated by the 95% of us that matter! (: As always, thanks for another great reaction.

Chris Poveroni

This anime is basically a cliffhanger generator. Prepare yourselves.

imonsnow (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-29 21:48:05 You're so sweet! Thank you , you are right its definitely a small minority, but it seemed like enough people keptt commenting the same thing so we decided to explain it lol. But thank you for saying All of that!! <3
2018-10-25 21:42:34 You're so sweet! Thank you , you are right its definitely a small minority, but it seemed like enough people keptt commenting the same thing so we decided to explain it lol. But thank you for saying All of that!! <3

You're so sweet! Thank you , you are right its definitely a small minority, but it seemed like enough people keptt commenting the same thing so we decided to explain it lol. But thank you for saying All of that!! <3