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I figured I'd pop in and let you guys know how everything is going. It's going *drum roll* poorly. I've been sick as a dog these past few days and while I usually rebound after a day or so, I'm still nowhere near 100%. Couple that with me sleeping about 12 hours a day and you get me not getting very much done on the game. The good news is the UI is looking close to how I want it *once I get the art from my artist it will be pretty much done*, and the writing shouldn't be TOO hard to knock out. The bad news is that I probably won't be adding that much writing in in general. So the amount of scenes will be nerfed a tiny bit, provided I don't kick this illness soon.

With Love and possibly an erection,



Get well soon!


Hope it's nothing serious and you're on the mend! Take good care of yourself now and sleep well!


As much as I would like a huge update, I would prefer that you take care of yourself. Don't worry about us sluts. We'll be fine.