Just checking in. (Patreon)
I just wanted to check in and let you guys know what I'm doing and what to expect next update.
First off, I'm changing the u.i. again, and this time it will be pretty major. I'm adding character bubbles, thought bubbles, and info bubbles to just about every scene, barring the few I miss/don't get to.
Secondly, I'm revamping all the thumbnails. The old thumbnails were manually cropped down by me to a puny 50x50px size, and that just wasn't pretty. So all thumbnails now are 500x500, the difference should be night and day.
Thirdly, I've tweaked the code for all the character bubbles. Not only will they pop out like the clothing items when hovered on, but they also act as a ui.alert. Meaning clicking on them will pull up a little bit of information in a pop-up menu. This information hasn't been added yet of course, but if I don't get to it this update, I'll get to it next update.
Fourthly, someone pointed out that the inventory button was pretty redundant. So I've removed it from the top and side bar, leaving it only in the accordion. I'll be replacing that with the new journal system. The journal, currently, just functions as a bit of a hint system based upon certain variables. This likely won't be immensely useful this update for people who are just continuing where they left off. However, it will be immensely useful for people who are new to the game/ are doing a new play-through.
Finally, I'll be looking into how to make a dynamic character face in the most efficient way possible. It might be simple, it might be nigh impossible. But, I'll get something done. Hopefully within the next few days.
NOTE: If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, or just want me to include a specific scene for the game. Hit me up, it doesn't matter where.