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The painting on the wall is from babyfat turn-up interactable. I think it will be a nice Easter-Egg for once I finish and post it for the people who are not in my patreon.

I have couple of questions: 

-Do you think no outline background looks better? (couch she is sitting on has no outline for example) I have included some examples from ANC's work. He did both outline and non-outline.

-Do you think the room lighting should be more hard? (more difference between shadowed parts and lit-up parts)

The lighting on her skin (white-red dots) is no longer there since she is inside a building. If you want I can re-introduce them via sunlight coming through the window.

If you want something added/changed, you can comment and I can try to add/edit it early-on in the production process.




Easter eggs are great. Definitely a fun touch. Definitely no outlines, makes it look like too much. And hard lighting with shadows looks nice. Although it totally depends on how the final product looks at the end of.


Of these examples I prefer the outline. No outline is too painting like.