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I have been unhappy about the way Zoey looks in my drawing due to me being unable to replicate brush stokes done by hand (I don't have a drawing tablet). She looks too "smooth" in my animations. I wanted to fix that.

I am planning on using this vector style from now on, as it is more like the original Babyfat/Adjectivenouncombo style. Please don't pay too much attention to the objects and focus on the lines.

Comment on what you think. Do you think it looks better? or is it too much boil/movement?

As for the (very slowly) upcoming animation, it will be an "Un-interactive Babyfat visual novel" (will be kinda like watching someone play the game)




the jiggled lines look better since its more natural. perfectly straight line look kinda odd.


Thank you for the feedback! Do you think it is a bit "too jiggly" or is it ok?


I think it's good. Looks natural at the very least.


I think the jiggle lines look great