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I made a pool over at DeviantArt to see peoples disposition for disposal.


Right now, with 92 votes, 60% of all voters do want some sort of disposal.

Your votes will dictate if I make disposal for my next work (Which will be about Zoey again). I have no problems with making it if you folks want it. Note that if disposal gets selected, I will still make a version without it (a clean version) of the same work.

I am planning on making a pool like once in a while. So even if you wanted it, but majority said no, I will still make a pool after couple of weeks. or If you didn't want its existence at all, it will be a while before the next one gets made. I hope this satisfies everyone.



There are still 8 people who haven't voted. Please vote by the end of today.


Last 2.5 hours people. I am waiting for the results,. depending on which I have two different things in mind.


Disposal is selected!