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Vondrily is the deity of Enacting Justice in Hal_Alterego's universe.
Thank you again for being such a pleasure to work with!

Also thank you for the excellent companion erotica. It is entirely written by Hal-Alterego with slight edits by yours truly.



As Vondrily subdued the deserted soldiers amid their pillaging, the uneasy air surrounding the camp transformed into fully blown hostility as the soldiers slowly started recognizing the identity of the woman who blocked their attempts to survive: the deity of Enacting Justice. For thousand cycles, Vondrily had overseer the Imperium for its continued existence and prosperity, yet she is also the very same deity who, in the soldier’s eyes, allowed the Imperium to crumble into dust, and for all of them to suffer the consequence of a collapsed social order, and the subsequent civil war.

For whom do you serve, and for what did you choose to forsake us, your traitorous whore? Facing such enraged scold, what Vondrily did next sent the soldiers into silence induced by shock, as she unbound her armor and weaponry, until she’s nothing more but a frail young woman with her dress on, amid the group of able-bodied soldiers whose eye had fixated upon her delicate features, untarnished by the hardship amid this ruinous wasteland. She opened her arm toward the soldiers, and uttered:

“Then thous shall have it. Everything thy eyes shall behold, and anything that shall provide succor to thy unending anguish. Take it all with thy hand and scepters. Thous may embed thy seeds amidst my bosom even, not that I shall remind thee.”

As her sound fell silent, the forces that once chained the soldiers’ hands vanished. Without a second thoughts, they found their body rushes toward the frail-looking deity, and each of their hands grasp upon her body, piece by piece, torn thrashing, until every inch of her delicacy - her pair of breasts, her slender legs, and her sanctious entrance guarded by a piece of white cloth - are fully exposed to the soldiers who once zealously followed her guidance.

Soon the Soldiers became a mess of flesh conglomerated, and Vondrily the jewel within the very center. Her gentle hand, now a holder to their seedbag; her long, blonde silky hair, no more than tools of ejaculation and subject of their gooey vandalism. Their passionate rod had filled in every venue toward her inner chamber, thrusting in and out and burst, leaving fertile seeds into barren land, only for the next guest to come and fill in again, Ad nauseam. Every iteration of blasphemous words uttered, as the soldiers, lost in their lust and anguish, insult the deity who they once regarded as sacred and graceful, to be an utter whore, as her very tongue are succorring the tip of their scepters with such familiarity, there could be no other explanation.

Yet what should taunt them into further sadistic lust is her utter indifference. No matter how long had it been, how much had they violated her pristine body and tainted it with their seeds, she remained cold and distant. It only bait soldiers into further lust. Amid this frozen boreal wasteland of a now extinguished civilization, only this conglomerate of flesh remain heated, in their collective fury against a cruel deity, who, even amid this supposed violation of her sanctious body, remained afar and untouchable.

The feast came to an end in the early morning, and Vondrily is the last one standing, whites trickling down everywhere, yet she remains undaunted, even raising her hand to her mouth, slowly licking off some. As some soldiers, still conscious, inquiring in disbelief, she quietly answered:

“I had long lost the ability to sense. Thy touch, warmth, the smell of thy seeds, all reaches me not.”

“Then why toy us like that? We meant you harm, yet you would not even draw any sense of pleasure, not even a slightest, from that farce, would you?”

Vondrily answered without a hesitance.

“For thous are victims of my sins, and it’s only justice for the victims to seek their righteous fury upon the sinner.”

“Yet it would not reach. Even bursting our very seed into your womb, one by one, it would not react in the slightest.”

“Thous did.”

Vondrily went close, hand soothing upon the soldier who lamented.

“For every pounce, thy lust, fueled by utter hatred, continuously imprinted into my very soul, cursing and feasting upon it till my very existence ceased to be.”

As she continued, her head tilted, asking in confusion.

“Aren’t thee satisfied though? Or are there any improvements thy lot would think others may need in the near future?”

“……Next time, at least pretend you are getting knocked over. There’s only that much pleasure in fucking a porcelain doll.”

“Hmm. Complaints acknowledged.”

Such is her farewell, as bonfire lit, and aids left in the encampment.



Soye'kin the Lurker

Thanks for having me Ylvy! She looks gorgeous like this, I'm so glad to have this commission done <3.


I had a blast working on this piece! Thank you yet again for another excellent commission request!