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Thicc Wicke 😳

Stressed out & just wanted to sketch some big mommy milkies.

My work pace is too slow currently so output is low. Happens to be looking through my older art, noticing some pieces reallyyy bugs me out so I wanna try rework/remaster them, doubling as a way to practice.

This still took TOO LONG GOD HELP ME TAT
Some parts could be better but I need to wrap it upppp

2nd pic is the older version (kill it with fire!)



Soye'kin the Lurker

The reworked version is much appealing! I like how you portayed her nipples and how you dressed her up :P


Thank you ;w; Glad to hear that form you! Yeah I wanted to make it more dynamic using the knowledge I've built over the past few years~ Trying to get some practice and work faster too 😰

Soye'kin the Lurker

I think you did a fine job here XD. Hope these little hopping between projects helps easing you up.