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Commission WIP. Terribly sorry for the lack of updates.
My health is very unstable at this moment.

Thinking of changing the patreon model to pledge per post, and I'll only post completed artworks here. What's your opinion? Do tell me.

As is, I feel terrible pangs on guilt that I do not update nearly enough each month for my patrons.

Anyways, let me know!

Good day!



Soye'kin the Lurker

Well if you are exceedingly sick the patrons won't get updates, period. Please take care of yourself and pick whatever method that works best for you. Personally, I enjoy the progress as much as the finished work, so the current method works really well for me, regardless of a semi-lack of updates.


I do need a model to sustain myself though. As in, whether I like it or not, I have to still at the very least do my commissions. So might as well have the patreon running. It's just that I feel it isn't fair to my patrons when I'm having downtime.. Thanks for your considerations and support, Soye'kin. Much much appreciated, and much needed on my part. I hope I can do more content for you and my other patrons in the future.


I agree that seeing the progress is just as important as the finished product. Take some time to feel better, your health is the important thing. I can wait for my commission, no worries.


Can't tell you how much I appreciate your kindness T_T