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Hello! Our first major update for LCL: HELL is finally here!

Here are the summaries:


  • Major polish to the First Area (Hallway of Fire) and Second Area (The Purgatory Archives).
  • Fixed the issues of the open and close button for the Locker scenes.
  • Changed so that girls are released from lockers automatically.
  • Fixed and improved the Android/Mobile version, especially the controls.
  • Abilities can't be activated while playing the locker scene
  • Adjustments of sprite assets


  • All characters now have lewd animations, including the demon girls, demon teachers, demon guards, and dark angels, including exclusives.
  • Guards will spawn when a girl rage count reaches 2/player captured 2 different girls
  • Guards don't have soul value and deal 1 soul damage when captured
  • Dark Angel spawn rate slightly increased
  • Demon teacher spawn rate decreased


  • All characters now have lewd animations, including the wanderers, spirit girls, archivists, and gorgons, including exclusives.
  • Archivist number increased
  • Archivist spawn rate decreased
  • spawn condition for spirit girl (won't spawn until player creates a spirit locker)
  • 15 MAX GIRL COUNT when spirit locker is activated
  • Archivists can no longer kill Wanderers and can only turn them to hostile (by chance)
  • Wanderer stays longer in the area
  • Wanderers have a chance to disappear every 10 seconds (not absolute)
  • Wanderer soul value changed from 2 to 1


Here are some of the new lewds from the characters in the game:

As always, the latest download files are available here:

(Look for the Tentacle Hell link)

STRANGE (updated)

NAUGHTY (updated)

This game may be unstable at the moment so if you encounter more issues, please report it to us! :) Enjoy!!



Old Gamer Guy

I got to the 3rd demon or what ever it is. When I click on it, nothing happens. It makes a sound but doesn't take me into a level.


The game has crashed on me 2 times in 6 play thorough. The bigger issue is it seems the ghosts drain a soul point I think if they see me grab someone. That is manageable right up until the gorgons seem to be able to destroy lockers. I am unsure if there is a trigger, proximity, if I capture them, if I fail to capture them, or something else. The issue is they destroy all my lockers and the ghosts drain me. Then I run out of lockers and my sanity is destroyed and I lose. My best attempt was to rush out all the lockers I could while leaving just enough sanity to not immediately die, then grab everything and everyone to keep my lockers all filled regardless of what they are. This works right until the gorgons come out. Then I have a losing battle of destroyed lockers until I can no longer counter the sanity drain. I must be missing something, the locker destruction and sanity drain always overwhelm me.