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Hey everyone! Another major update for this game. To summarize, this update includes:

  • New lewdscenes
  • New tentacles
  • New dark skin scenes
  • New special characters
  • New exclusive character
  • New Achievements system
  • New Story scenes
  • Skill updates
  • Gameplay updates
  • Hotfix and bugfixes

Of course, this post will expand further on each of these updates.

Dark-skinned in the areas

Dark-skinned variants of students now roam the Hallway and the Library.

New Dark Skin lewd scenes

Since the v1.7.01 update only includes a single dark-skinned lewdscene, this update adds 20+ more scenes.

New Tentacle scenes

We've also added new tentacle scenes that fully takes on the new tentacles added from the previous update.

New Achievements system

This update also adds the new Achievements system, starting from 49 initial achievements for you to unlock and complete.

From this update forward, all of your relevant behavior and progress in the game will be stored in a "statistics" system to make room for new Achievements that will be added in the future without you having to restart your progress on those achievements.

New Story scenes

Upon completing the Library, a new cutscene has been added that hints at the final area of the game.

New public characters: Cecelia and Null

Cecelia from our game NULL REMASTERED has been added as a dimensional locker character.

Gina from our game PATTERN SCREAMERS has been added a special dimensional character as well.

Both Gina and CC have 8 lewd scenes that include the new tentacle scenes that have been added.

Both of them are also available publicly on the 9.99 and 24.99 versions of the game, as well as for STRANGE and NAUGHTY patrons of our Patreon.

New Exclusive character: The Songstress

Lastly, the SONGSTRESS is a Patreon Eldritch Update request, so it wasn't created entirely new. The original patron who requested it gave us permission to release it as a Patreon Exclusive character.

The Songstress also included 8 new lewdscenes and is only currently available on the NAUGHTY tier of our Patreon.


As always, your download files are available here:

STRANGE (updated)

NAUGHTY (updated)

If you encounter more issues, I'll fix it as soon as I can. :) Enjoy!!




Aight bet 😈


So what if I uh already unlocked the entire talent tree?


Hmm... I guess you could just reset? You'll only waste a few talent points for it but yeah the talent achievement only gets updated on the moment you purchase a talent.


When I click on "Continue" on the main menu, the game crashes. Not a problem for me as I planned to start a new game anyway, but that is a bug you should know about.


Probably cuz you have an old save file? Any other issues and I can help you fix them

世佳 黄

What is the difference between the two versions?


Yes, that was indeed becaus I had an old save file. I haven't met any other issues for now, thanks !

Thomas Sandoval

Google drive won't let me download the android version. Is there a fix or guide somewhere? If I click on the link it gives me a 404 error.


Wheres the save data stored?


I have the android version and it keeps crashing everything I hit continue


Could the talent tree be more accessable? Like getting a talent point every level or every 3 levels if the idea is to take a long time to accumulate. Really want to see and use the other options

Nathaniel Grey

Sorry, I'm new here. Does the randomizer in fap mode work? I am on Android and it's greyed out

That Dude

I wish that there was a way to turn tentacle types on or off, that way you get the locker scenes you want