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Hi again, folks! It's that time of the month again!

Release v1.7 is now released and it's called the "Library Update" for obvious reasons.

Without further ado, let me break down the contents of this update.

New Area: The Library

Of course, this wouldn't actually be the "Library update" without having the "library" area, right? Anyway, as I've mentioned, this update introduces the new Library area which comes with its own unique mechanics, characters, and visuals.

Continue reading this post to read more about them.

New character: The Cultists

Besides the new visuals and physical area, the Library also introduces another non-exclusive character called Cultists.

Cultists are faceless students in robes that are imbued by mysterious and dark Lovecraftian energies. Trying to abduct them is a risk since they can turn one of your healthy tentacle lockers into a black tentacle locker which prevents you from using it until it's cured.

If you don't play well and try to take the long game, cultists will eventually overrun the library which will be a huge problem for you!

New object: The Magic Clock

The Magic Clock is our first new object introduced to the game beside the locker (and its different tentacle locker variants).

The Magic Clock is a special object used by the academy to control time.

Talent tree update: 3 New talents

To compensate for the difficulty of the Library area, we've introduced 3 new talents, as well as tweaked the talent points farming system and talent costs to make the game less difficult and more fun.

New TENTACLES on Lewdscenes!

Of course, this wouldn't be a fun update without some new lewds!

This update introduces 7 new tentacle prototypes for the locker scenes and fap mode. These new tentacles will be further expanded soon but for now, you'll have to stick with them. ;)

Note: I know these tentacles don't really add much but bear with us!

New Story update: 50+ new scenes

This update also includes 4 new chapters to complete all the lore and stuff in the Lovecraft Locker universe up to the Library area.

Of course, these scenes are available in the Story Selection area!

New tutorial UI update

I also took some time to rework and polish the tutorial to make them more readable and understandable, as well as include the new mechanics that wasn't included before.

Update v1.7 is only currently available for EARLY ACCESS here on Patreon.

As always, your download files are available here:

STRANGE (updated)

NAUGHTY (updated)

If you encounter more issues, I'll fix it as soon as I can. :) Enjoy!!

Update v1.7 part 1 and part 2 will be both publicly released in 2-3 weeks on Itch!




it will miss the control bar at the gym pool stage on the Android, need fix