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Hey folks! It's been a while. We've been really busy with other projects so I haven't got the chance to make some updates here. However, we were still working on Lovecraft Locker projects behind the scenes, we weren't just able to make some public update posts.

Anyway, this update is rather... massive! Our last major gameplay update was last year, and that's almost 8-9 months ago. And this update was in the making for 2-3 months.

Before an in-depth overview, let me summarize this update:

  • Added a "Talent Tree" system
  • Added 5 new lockers
  • New Gameplay mechanics
  • New UI features
  • New Exclusive girl
  • New lewd scenes
  • ...and tons of bug fixes!

New progression system: Talents

The "Talent Tree" System is a new progression system that features 52 new upgrades that would enhance your gameplay capabilities. Each of the 52 talents has an actual gameplay impact, such as new lockers to unlock, locker upgrades, new UI, and even overall mechanics.

Here's a full view of the Talent Tree:

How to obtain "talent points"?

To take a talent, you must obtain "talent points", which you can obtain from "talent-infused" girls.

These girls randomly spawn in each area, with each area having varying spawn chance and capacity.


This new update introduces 5 new types of advanced lockers.


This locker is a new type of locker that introduces the "whisper" mechanic. "Whispered girls" increase the spawn rate of girls, and in later talents, they also have the capacity to further increase or decrease the girl capacity and spawn rate of an area, making them useful in sparely-populated areas like the Nurse Room or densely-populated areas like the Gym Pool.


This locker is a dormant locker that acts as a "day" modifier. This locker has the capacity to extend the length of a day.


This new type of locker is essentially the Basic Locker but on steroids and slower. It has the capability to ignore armor like those girls found in the Gym Pool.


The double locker is a new locker that removes the "double" capacity of the basic locker and makes it a separate standalone one. It yields twice the lust capacity and lust points, making them useful for farming the points needed for Fap Mode.


Lastly, the Hive Locker is an entirely new type of locker that behaves differently from all the other ones. When a hive locker is activated, it also activates nearby hive lockers.

After obtaining a very powerful talent, the hive locker will be more.... useful.


  • The "startle" mechanic is now a talent upgrade.
  • Special lockers are now locked behind the Talent Tree system.
  • Special lockers now require a 3-day-old basic tentacle locker to create.
  • Modified the locker counts of the Nurse Room & Faculty.
  • UI changes for the ability points
  • Bug fixes from Fap Mode.
  • New game icon
  • And so much more!!!!!


The Fox Maid is a new Patreon exclusive that includes 8 new animations. The Fox Maid is only currently available on the Naughty tier of our Patreon.

Stay tuned for new updates soon!


As always, the latest download files are available here:



Let me know if you encounter any issues! Enjoy!




It would be great to have also topless teachers, guards and instructors. Another option for the guard would be that she moves to the locker, which makes the most noise and rescues the abducted girl.

Boastful Daedra

Could you explain the "double" thing a little better? I'm not sure what the double locker relates to... I've never been able to get more than one victim in locker. I can't find any new kind of available locker after upgrading to it, either. It seems to swing open with the futanari in it, but never takes anyone else in. Addendum: OK, I found the locker, but I'm still not totally clear on how it's different. Addendum 2: FINALLY got it to work, but it seems pretty dodgy at the moment. OK, I've figured out that the double-size thing works only on specific girls, and with the double locker. Now that I know this it's pretty straightforward; but if it's possible at some point, I feel like having a tutorial available for some of the locker types could be really nice. Also, is there no way to turn on or off the whisper-locker upgrades? I may have accidentally nerfed the whisper locker.