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It's been two weeks since we started the development of this game.

To summarize: it's been rough. 

I'm barely getting any sleep just thinking, and ideating. So far, all just feels like a waste of time. *Sigh.

It's not that it's hard, I think we've done some promising aspects and all that I initially imagined is now ready, just basically waiting for content.

However, I'm not happy with how things are going. And I need to be happy for this to continue. That's how my brain works. That's how Lovecraft Locker came to be because I was enjoying the entire development. Right now, I'm not happy with how stuff looks at the moment.

Don't get me wrong, I still like the idea, it still feels like a genius one and I can definitely see this game hitting a Steam release, but it's just challenging.

Anyway, here's a demo of what we got so far:

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CPOM56feJfKSiVB1KEJz-4PX3nqERcqz?usp=sharing [android, windows, linux, macos]

I guess a huge part of this shit feeling comes from the visual novel part of the game. I have this "grand" idea of how it'll turn out, but I feel overwhelmed by all the things that need to be done.

I still can't decide whether to just focus on 5 characters or thin things out and included other nameless NPCs.

Unlike Lovecraft Locker, I think this game is not something we can develop in the dark. Constant external input and feedback should help us really polish things easier.

Anyway, what do you guys think?



A few things, that need to change in that game: clicking through every girls dialog; seeing every fantasy (should only be shown on demand); there should be other locations, where the girls hang out or live, (there you could see, how their behaviour changes).


something that i dont think is necessary but would be a nice touch is to have each flavor have a color and as you mix and match the colors its different depending on the amounts of each flavor. Another thing is that it might be a good idea for each girl to have a different taste of soda so when you see them have a bad reaction you know to try something different. Overall i think you should focus on the vending machine aspect of it to get that fleshed out so you can get creative with the other stuff without worrying about that.


I advise flushing out basic gameplay, without story/lewd, so that you can compartmentalize your development and not be overwhelmed. With that good code base, you can then focus on story/lewd with a clear understanding of how it will be implemented, leaving you open to creativity. Demo looks awesome and so are you!

Jeffrey Trevor Batchelor

My advice would be to focus on the aspect of the game that you feel the strongest about. Doing so may give you further ideas and inspiration for the other areas. I have been writing a novel for a while and I know that any creative project tends to be more of a marathon than a sprint so don't feel overwhelmed by a large amount of work or writing. If you keep working at it, it will get done. Nothing you do will be a waste of time as you will grow as a developer. So far i like your work and am looking forward to seeing more. For me the purpose of the characters in a game is very important. I like to feel like everything i do in the game is for a reason.


Don't focus on the big picture, compartmentalize. Work on the aspects you are drawn to, but create them with an eye towards later expansion. One of the traps i fell into as a game maker was creating a segment i liked, but then later on i wanted to implement an overall theme that would allow all the girls from the individual segments to be selected from... This required a ultra-mega macro beyond all human comprehension i could not deliver on... Your game has the ability to avoid that by simply compartmentalizing the areas. All you have to do is add compartments and focus on each one as an individual task.