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Here's a quick little hotfix for a few mistakes I made in the last update. Thank you to the people who sent me reports of grammar/spelling mistakes! I truly appreciate it! :)


  • Fixed Samuel using Sissel's dialogue UI
  • Fixed several grammatical and spelling errors. 


Vic Viper

Just played the update (I post here cause I found a spelling error even after the hotfix) Damn, now I feel EXTRA bad for Samuel, and Owen's father has "bad news" written all over him, even before we meet him I didn't have a good impression, I'm even under the impression that it was him who contracted Samuel to kill Heather. As for the tone, you said it's too dark &, I'd say it's just about right given the circumstances, not everything has to be all charmy, that said I laughed for 2 straight minutes when the MC's trying to dance with Sissel. Owen's (back)story is dark, as such, the tone never felt like it particularly stuck out in a bad way. As for Owen himself... it's part of the character, but he needs to grow some balls and get some facts straight for his own sake, seriously, I would've told him something like : "Goddammit, stop avoiding your own problems and be a man, you keep thinking about not wanting to be hurt but, by staying passive, you keep on hurting yourself and Samuel in the process. Maybe you still have your doubts about him, but you've done nothing to make things better on your end. What if he disappears and turns out he wasn't the killer ? Do you remember who raised you ? Hint : not the person who's been ignoring you for 19 years and who might just come back for his own interest." I mean we know Samuel is most likely innocent, but even if all we knew about him was his old job and experienced just the first day with him, I would still trust Samuel more than the "ghost dad". Maybe it's my bias because Samuel looks and acts so kind, and is so passionate about Owen, that I can't possibly picture him as a bad guy, okay he killed people as a hitman, but he was basically a weapon himself, it's the people behind the contracts who are potentially beyond salvation ("potentially" cause he might have been contracted to kill some horrible people for good reasons), although in justice terms he is as much guilty. Now there's just an error I found, but it's repeated several times ; the word "apologize" (I don't remember if there was any variation of it) is misspelled, you've spelled it with two "p" ("appologize"), it's in Day 11.


Good healthy donor for old sick insidious father , or mb before the doors of eternity he seeks forgiveness