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TLDR; I fixed the bugs! Redownload the game and enjoy! ;w;/

I'd like to start off by sincerely apologizing for the terrible bugs that occurred in this update. This update was a bit of an experiment, where many scenes vary based off of hidden variables I had implemented in earlier updates. Buuuuuut it turns out my coding sucks so the variables weren't processed properly. 

Worry not though, they have all been fixed (including Echo's transition bug)! Just redownload the game from the links in the earlier post, and you should be all good. I've also learned very much from this experience, and will do my best to avoid these problems in future updates.

I'd also like to mention that some of the changes that I've made don't take place unless you restart the game from the beginning. All current previously saved files will act like you comforted Phillip on Day 4 unless you restart from the beginning.

By the way, did ANY of you guys steal Sissel's wallet? Y'all are a bunch of goody-two-shoes >:U



I do always steal his wallet, but not in this update yet. Waiting to play it tomorrow. Also, glad you are getting better at what you are doing and thanks for all of the bugfixes before I actually stumbled into any problems :) Also, is it just me or link for windows download redirects to mac version?

Sneasel Sneeze

As of right now the windows downloads is the mac version.


Wait, you mean the goal of the game is -not- to make Sissel blush until his head explodes?


I was surprised by the small changes that resulted form stealing Sissel's wallet. However, I wish there was more and it was a little too odd that Sissel warms up so quickly to Euca on the first day despite this (as in, the second half of the scene plays identically to the one where the wallet is returned, which is quite jarring as Sissel appears to do a 180 attitude change). After messing with that option, I decided to check the other introductory choices with Phillip and Owen on the first day to see if they did the same thing, but was disappointed that they didn't. Do you intend to add such differences later or did you intend for only Sissel's intro choice to matter?


I hope to add more scene variation in the future to put more weight on player choices. Sorry if there doesn't seem to be many consequences at the moment, I'm still fiddling with the coding side of the VN. But I will definitely try to make your actions matter!


This was my first playthrough but I didn't steal his wallet. Overall it was a lot of fun. Sometimes when the text speed changed to a faster speed, I'd accidentally click through some words without being able to read them (usually when it was non-dialogue things like sound effects). I'm a an impatient clicker when playing visual novels though, so hopefully few people have had this problem. Other than that, there were a few lines where you'll need a little grammar and spelling edits but nothing major.

Laura Castrillón

Message of the future: The game doesn't have those bugs anymore, and it's amazing. Keep it up.