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Happy New Year y'all! Here's to hoping it'll be a better one. Thank you all so much for waiting patiently through the delay. December has hit me with the most emotionally draining IRL problems I've experienced throughout the entirety of 2020 so VN development kinda ended up on the wayside. I'll save the details for a future development blog. 

Anyway, here's another big chunky update, this time with a fair amount of action and yeen dads! Hope y'all enjoy!

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  • 43 new pages of story for Chapter 2
  • 3 new sprites for Ilia
  • 8 new illustrated scenes!
  • 3 new backgrounds!




Big kudos to both Ilia and Hamish for knowing exactly how to handle their coming-of-age family members and their volatile emotional development. Especially that Hamish isn't offended or taken aback by Cole's insults; in many stories this is the moment a character would give up on trying to reason with the protagonist and storm out. But he's used to it, still says his piece, and is still there for him. Very commendable. Marrow has a... rather less orthodox approach to it, but he still got through to Artemi better than anyone else could. Speaking of which, his opinion of her didn't seem to be too badly affected by her using magic (even if he would prefer she didn't); he still respects her as an effective fighter and finds her to be a good companion. Maybe that's a good sign for Cole. As for Ilia, it's awesome to imagine her having been as wild of a bard as Cole is now, back in her day. She may have mellowed out now, but I love that a bit of that bravery and mischievousness still shows when she's protecting those she loves. Somehow, I don't imagine the gang will be meeting Artemi's mother anytime soon. And lastly, I wonder what day it is. Surely No Pants Friday at the Bonebreaker Guild is near. When do we see Sidd experience that? I loved this update, and I do notice that they're getting increasingly art-heavy, which is a lot of dedication. Hope you're not working yourself too hard, but it's clearly something you love. Keep up the good work, and let the coffee flow.

shirokoi (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 04:00:47 Aaaah just wanted to say thank you again for always taking the time to write out your thoughts after updates come out! I always look forward to these <3 I'm glad folks are enjoying this "meet the parents" update. It's a fun exercise to demonstrate all the main character's relationships and experiences with their home life. Got the chance to give all the parents a bit of spice and personality too! The hyena dads are slowly becoming my favorite characters to write hehe <3 No Pants Fridays shall come back at some point in the future! The gang's got more important stuff to deal with nowadays lol. And Artemi's still got one more parental figure that the gang has yet to meet. I'm actually planning a slight visual re-design for Grank's sprites in the next update. I can't wait to show off more of this jolly polar bear! :3
2021-01-01 22:24:44 Aaaah just wanted to say thank you again for always taking the time to write out your thoughts after updates come out! I always look forward to these <3 I'm glad folks are enjoying this "meet the parents" update. It's a fun exercise to demonstrate all the main character's relationships and experiences with their home life. Got the chance to give all the parents a bit of spice and personality too! The hyena dads are slowly becoming my favorite characters to write hehe <3 No Pants Fridays shall come back at some point in the future! The gang's got more important stuff to deal with nowadays lol. And Artemi's still got one more parental figure that the gang has yet to meet. I'm actually planning a slight visual re-design for Grank's sprites in the next update. I can't wait to show off more of this jolly polar bear! :3

Aaaah just wanted to say thank you again for always taking the time to write out your thoughts after updates come out! I always look forward to these <3 I'm glad folks are enjoying this "meet the parents" update. It's a fun exercise to demonstrate all the main character's relationships and experiences with their home life. Got the chance to give all the parents a bit of spice and personality too! The hyena dads are slowly becoming my favorite characters to write hehe <3 No Pants Fridays shall come back at some point in the future! The gang's got more important stuff to deal with nowadays lol. And Artemi's still got one more parental figure that the gang has yet to meet. I'm actually planning a slight visual re-design for Grank's sprites in the next update. I can't wait to show off more of this jolly polar bear! :3