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Yeehaw! As of this update, Chapter 1 of Temptation's Ballad is complete!  At 45 pages, this is also my biggest update I've ever worked on. The fight scenes and sprite animations have been super fun to work on. Hope everyone enjoys what this new update has to offer! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it! <3

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  • Chapter 1 is now around 100% complete! 
  • 4 new Artemi sprites + 3 spell animations
  • 1 new sprites for a new character + 2 spell animations
  • 1 new sprite for a new character
  • 3 new 3D-modeled backgrounds + 3 night versions of previous backgrounds



Jack Wyatt



Chapter 1 is done!!~ Super hyped!


Yet another fantastic update, and a perfect way to wrap up the first chapter of this amazing story! This was definitely one of my favourite builds, so here are just a couple of words about it ^^ Of course, spoilers ahead for anyone who still needs to play it! This section of the chapter was so action-packed and I love it! Everything that happened after the cloaked figure showed up kept me on the edge of my seat, and the way it all ended... Agh that was so perfectly bittersweet! I just love how the ending felt different for every single character: it went awful from poor Artemi's point of view, but it went great from Sidd's point of view. Not to mention how tragic it was for Clyde and Val (the way Clyde spoke to Cole at the end really gave me the chills), and how crazy it is that Cole still managed to profit from the situation (his final twist revolving around the ruby was INCREDIBLE, I couldn't believe it and it made me feel so bad for Artemi; it's the first time I actually felt how strong Cole's dishonesty can be, and that works so great for his character). And speaking of characters, this was a very big one for both Cole and Artemi! As for him, we got to see some of his most interesting traits, including the deep desire to feel appreciated by his father and the fear that he felt when he thought he was gonna lose the lute that Marrow gifted him; and like I said, this whole thing allowed us to see how far Cole can go, legitimately betraying his companions while acting in the shadows, that's VERY interesting and it adds so much to his character! And as for Artemi, well, this build was her true spotlight! Her actions scenes and spellcasts were awesome, but most importantly, I REALLY enjoyed it when she got super angry at Cole. Despite what happened after, she really gave him a big scare and she made him think about himself and his actions, and that's all he needed. Even if the day didn't end well for her, Artemi got to do so much stuff and left such a big influence behind her (not just because she destroyed the whole fighting ring lol), and I can't wait for her to meet Sidd and especially Cole again! There's so much stuff I'd love to comment and gush over, but just like every time I finish a build, my brain is just overwhelmed and I find it very hard to put my thoughts into words "^^ But believe me, I absolutely love the direction the story is taking. And that's because every character has their own individual story, evolving and merging with the others, making every single protagonist (and secondary character as well!) so interesting and likeable! This is extremely hard to accomplish in any visual novel, but you're absolutely nailing it in Temptation's Ballad! And as a final little "technical" feedback, I noticed no typos in this build other than a single "badger" turning into "badge" right after the big explosion at the fighting ring. Nothing huge, but just letting you know ^^ As always, thank you SO MUCH for the amazing work that you're doing with this visual novel, I'm loving every single minute of it and this first chapter perfectly predicts how awesome things are gonna get! Keep up the great work, and thank you once again ^^ P.S. Just a little question on something I noticed, out of curiosity! When Clyde is talking with Cole and Artemi in his office, he says that he only remembers getting inside the room before passing out, but Cole used his spell on him *after* they had sex... Did Clyde actually forget about that, or did he just decide not to mention it? I mean, the latter could be a possibility, since Artemi was already quite shocked after seeing him naked, so he didn't need to add many details lol


What an amazing chapter and update. It totally gave my the feels and on the edge of my seat the whole time. I feel bad for Artemi with what her sick mother said to her. With Cole, I loved the father and son bond he had with Marrow and for Sidd, I'm glad he was able to show his mother and father that he can make them proud. Overall, this update was great and I cant wait for the next one! XD


This was such a good chapter. The amount of development we got for Cole and Artemi was amazing. I got pretty mad at Val's attitude towards him about doing things indirectly and dishonestly, and after Artemi snapped him out of being afraid, his wit was one of the things that saved everyone. It was good that it seems to feel bad using magic and tricks in a way that ends up hurting others just like in one particular scene from the last update. The deception he pulled on Artemi at the end though probably shows he still doesn't completely trust others which I'm excited to see how gets built upon later. As for Artemi, the way she acted was such a reversal compared to how she usually presented herself. Her personal creed was what helped snap Cole out of running like he usually does and played a major part in stopping the villain for now. I just wish her mother didn't just pay attention to the objectives being completed but the good things her daughter was able to do. Anyway, this was a long one for my first comment. Thanks so much for the update and I look forward to the next one!


Aaaah thank you so much for taking the time to write down all your thoughts! I always look forward to seeing what y'all think of the new story bits. I'm glad people are enjoying the action scenes, all those hours working on those animated spell sprites finally paid off haha &lt;3 It'll be fun to show y'all how all the characters grow and develop strength/magic -wise as the story progresses. Cole's pretty different from the usual protagonists I write. All the other folks in my visual novels are generally good people. It's been fun writing Cole as a bad guy with a lot of bad habits and issues to iron out. I was kinda nervous to see how this will be received, but I'm glad he's caught your interest! Artemi's super fun to write as well. There's something really cathartic about writing a usually nice/polite character getting pissed off haha. I can't wait to show y'all how she changes as the story moves forward. And thank you for the typo reports! A few other folks suggested that I use the Grammarly plugin for future updates, so hopefully there'll be less writing mistakes in the future. And as for Clyde misremembering stuff, I think Cole's [Charm Person] makes people's memories fuzzy a little before and after it's been cast. I'll try and make this more apparent! Thank you again for taking the time to write to me! I really appreciate it! &lt;3


Aaah thank you! It's really cool to see that people are interested in the parents and their relationships to the main characters. I did a little victorious fist-pump after reading your comment and went "Yes! My story themes are sticking with people!" Thanks for playing Temptation's Ballad, I hope I keep y'all entertained in future updates! &lt;3


Thank you! It's been really fun writing a deceptive liar for Cole's character and getting him to grind the gears of an honest character like Artemi haha~ It'll be fun to write these two interacting after Chapter 1. I'm glad you enjoyed Artemi's flip from a polite/shy lass to an enraged warrior. It was super satisfying to write. Thank you again for sending me your thoughts! I always enjoy reading these after releasing updates! &lt;3


Awesome work! Not that I'd have expected anything less after Repeat :)


I don't really like many vns tbh but this one is just so good. I can't wait for the next update!

pei Lu

gae bolg (x)