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Aaaaaaand here it is! The first build of my new visual novel, Temptation's Ballad! I spent the last month drawing and creating as much art as possible to build up the asset library of this new project. All the sprites are currently flat colored, but I plan to go back and cel shade everything later. I'm also 3D modeling all the backgrounds in this game since for more artistic direction and control. I'm learning a lot more coding and art tricks for this new VN, which has been super fun to implement! The first build's main purpose is to establish the story's world and introduce the 3 main characters and their unique backgrounds. Everything afterwards gets much more fun >w>

In any case, I hope y'all enjoy my brand new visual novel! Working on this has been a massive breath of fresh air. I feel alive as an artist and writer again aaaaaaaah <3

And for those wondering, yes. There will be very gay nsfw content in future updates :3

Windows: (Dropbox) (Mediafire)  

MAC: (Dropbox) (Mediafire) 

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Android: (Dropbox) (Mediafire)  


  • Cover Art complete!
  • Over 50 new sprites for over 8 different characters!
  • 3D modeled 6 different background scenes
  • Illustrated overworld map of the city 
  • Created simple character animations for Artemi and Sidd
  • Frog
  • New game Icon sprite
  • Coded movable map markers!
  • Chapter 1 is in progress! Currently at 25 pages of story so far.



Jack Wyatt

Been looking forward to THIS!


Great news ! I hope you're having fun with this new project, and that it gives you a little breathing room away from Repeat :)


Yay you're the best Shiro


Hey, I've started going through this first build and got an exception, you might want to look into it. It's at the start of the Church District scene. There may or may not be a "size=-5" in there...


Oof, can you copy/paste me a line of dialogue close to where it happens? I’ll check it out in a bit


"Church Youth" "{size=-5}--why is she even here?{/i}" "Church Youth" "{size=-5All that little mutt ever does is pretend-swing her sword around the cathedral all day while the rest of us do all the hard work.{/i}" "Church Youth" "{size=-5And she's not even a real knight!{w=.3} Talk about unfair…{/i}" I suspect some } are missing, no ? Lines 881-882


Thank you! I’ll be sure to fix it tomorrow morning. I literally finished the build at 5:30AM so I’m a little too woozy to fix it right now whoops qwq


Omg!!! Im so excited!!!!

Deer Oswin

OOOOO hype!!!!



Matthew Prim

The Hyena is so cute!!!


I suppose I already was coming in with high expectations, but wow, that was amazing. The interactive maps, the story, the relatable characters, the extensive worldbuilding, and the art. The art is just out of this world, even by your standards. You feel alive again as an artist and a writer, and it's easy to tell with your work. I very strongly appreciate that all recurring characters have sprites. And that they all have plenty of different ones, and the animations. They do a great job of making each character's personality shine through (speaking of which, Cole's thinking sprite is probably gonna keep making me laugh for a long time). And so, the story begins of three apples that fell very far from their trees. I am a bit surprised that Artemi gets sneered and laughed at by other people in the church. I would have thought that if she's known as a chosen one, they'd know to show her respect. Perhaps a bit too much, and that she'd be the one who broke free from the path chosen for her partly because she was tired of being fawned over and worshipped by everyone she sees when she only wanted to feel normal. I get the feeling that her evil not-step-mother has a hand in her treatment there. Cole perhaps tries a bit too hard to impress his father and hide what he wants to be, but seeing Marrow, you can kind of see why. He's so immensely proud of his son that one would be worried about utterly crushing him with such revelations. Speaking of him, I am a bit impressed with him being a parent in a same-sex relationship. That's definitely something I don't see often. Ilia is literally the sweetest, most hardworking mother ever and deserves a good long break. As for Sidd, I'm gonna guess by his physique that the blacksmithing apprenticeship is the one he held onto for the longest. I find it kinda funny that this society's dominant religion seems to worship a god known as the creator, who I would imagine is the creator of them and the world they live in. Given that the creator they refer to is... well, you. Little do they know of His true nature :P. Just too bad I didn't discover this visual novel when it was already well underway, like I did Repeat, and so can't start it like I did that one by binging through it for five hours straight. I very much look forward to the next installment.


Aaaaah thank you so much for your big reviews as usual! You have no idea how much motivation it fills me with to know someone would take time out of their day to tell me their thoughts about my game &lt;3 I kinda see Artemi's little sneering predicament as a case of people being told this person is super special and deserves respect + special treatment, but the people have never seen her do anything to warrant it since she been confined to the cathedral her entire life. And yeah, Marrow's super gay lol. I need more lovingly gay dads in fiction that don't fall apart because of trivial drama ;w;. Ilia's here to fill that sweet old woman archetype that I love so much hehe~ But I do plan on giving her more development than Mrs. Corlisse. Haha, I didn't even think of playing off the Creator as myself! I just needed a fancy generic name for a deity, kinda like The Maker from the Dragon Age series.


crashing and getting an exception error


It's probably just a phone version thing but the text seems to go too far for the box at certain times with it off screen and unreadable and overlapping in the history


I've been made aware of this issue and it should be fixed in the next build! For now, you can just click the "Ignore" button on screen to bypass the exception.


Oh dang. I unfortunately don't have much control over how the Renpy engine exports its Android builds. Could you send me a screenshot of these issues? In the future, I highly recommend everyone plays the game on a computer for a more stable inexperience ;w;

James Roshal

I got the traceback file for the android if you want it.


Thanks i noticed someone mentioned the ignore in discord it worked!


I had the same error. Thankfully, I could read what the church shites were suppose to be saying by reading the error and could hit Ignore twice to continue to Artemi and her mother's conversation.


2 Novels at once? I dont want to imagine the amount of work. &gt;,&lt;;