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How's everyone doing these days? I'm here to give you a run-down of Repeat's development plans for the upcoming months while I suffer throw my last year of college! (ง •̀_•́)ง 

Change in Focus:

As you guys already know, my goal is to keep updates rather small, but consistent every month. I'd rather not go through the usual fiasco where I go on hiatus for 2-3 months and force everyone to wait patiently just to push out a giant update. That being said, I think Repeat's story has been going a little too slowly, so I plan to make a few changes to how I approach development.

From now on, I will be shifting art focus from CG illustrated scenes to more character sprites and expressions. While I know a lot of you enjoy the illustrated scenes, creating the artwork is very time consuming and is what holds me back most of the time when creating an update. Don't worry, I will still be creating illustrated scenes for Repeat, but only for emotional or action scenes that absolutely need them. 

Instead, I will focus my efforts on creating more character sprites, which is artwork that I can reuse for many scenes across different character routes (I'm sure y'all have noticed Phillip's new sprites that I originally made for his route), and makes the overall visual novel experience more enjoyable. 

This shift in focus will allow me to write MORE story per update, and hopefully complete Repeat's many routes quicker for y'all to enjoy. 

THAT BEING SAID -- the next few updates are gonna be very CG artwork heavy, because we've hit a point in the story where it makes sense to draw them. The next update will include CG art of Sissel's lewd scenes, and Owen's route needs several action scenes illustrated before it can progress. So... yeah!  The next few updates will be short, but CG art heavy. And then afterwards, the focus will turn to sprite artwork instead. Hope that makes sense!

Upcoming Updates:

The next update will include the Sissel lewd scene that I'm sure many of you are thirsting for. The latter half of the update will tackle the remaining plot threads of Sissel's route, including Hershel, his family history, and all that good jazz. Some of y'all might have noticed that in the past few updates, the game kept bringing up the Lorelei family in casual conversations. Hmm... 🤔

In the update after that, probably in November/December, I will be shifting focus back on Owen's route and his Visitor's Day fiasco. We've been on Sissel's route for so long now that I'm sure some of y'all would like to catch up on the other Repeat boys. 

Project Blues:

Remember how I mentioned I'd be starting a second Visual Novel tentatively named Project Blues? Well yeaaah, it's going on the backburner for a while since my free time is limited nowadays. I promised I would never compromise Repeat's development for a secondary project, and I plan to stick to that promise. Sorry! QwQ

I'll definitely bring this project back from hiatus-hell once I'm finished with my college life and when Repeat is closer to completion! ;w;/

Repeat itch.io Release:

As some of you might have already noticed, I have officially released Repeat on itch.io! ( https://shirokoi.itch.io/repeat-visual-novel )

itch.io is a great secondary site to host Repeat's files, game information, and generally serve as the game's homepage. The game is still free there, but people can donate to support the development if they're feeling generous. As usual, the game's updates will come out first on Patreon, and then onto itch.io and the general public 2 weeks afterwards.

Repeat Merch Store!

I finally made a Repeat merchandise store! ( https://shirokoi.e-junkie.com )

 Granted, there's only 2 items there so far, but I plan to add more as the store grows, with 1 new item every month. Let me know if there is any particular kind of merch you'd like to be added to the store. Prints, stickers, enamel pins, etc. I'll definitely to add it in the near-future!

$10+ Patrons will also receive a monthly 10% discount code for the store! I also plan to host a monthly raffle for the $10+ Patrons to receive a free print or 2 stickers of their choice!

Personal Life:

As some of you might know, I'm currently going through my last year of college right now! Things are gonna be hectic as usual, especially with my degree project on my plate, but I've scheduled things in a semi-manageable pace so Repeat's development should still be able to maintain a healthy pace through all of this. Wish me luck! ;w;/

Anyways, let me know if you have any questions about Repeat, development, or just questions in general! Thank you guys so much for your continued support, I couldn't do this without you! ;;w;;/



Is the next update going to be the end of sissels route or will there sill be more, if so how many percent of sissels route is there left for us to see


Good luck Shiro! I can't imagine what it's like trying to balance development of a visual novel with your last year of college so major props for that. I'm glad you can strike a balance that allows you to keep making progress without totally overworking yourself in general. Always looking forward to more!


Nah, Sissel's route definitely isn't ending next update. There's at least 2 or 3 Days of story left of Sissel's route!


i keep seeing Sissel A and B, what/where does this route split occur?


I can't really explain it without spoiling stuff, but you'll definitely know when you reach the split point! òwó


Thank you! It's been tough, but I'm always looking forward to working on Repeat after getting all my college stuff done ;w;/


Good luck with all your projects and taking time to balance everything out. Looking forward to more Repeat :D


The final year is always the hardest. I wish you good luck in yours, and in your degree project. Take all the time you need. And being someone who just graduated this month, I tell you, life gets so much better and easier once you're out of school. You're close enough to the end of the tunnel to see the light. Hang in there. I do like consistent updates (though I do remember feeling the August update was shorter than most). I hope that goes well, and I definitely look forward to seeing the art in them. Those full-screen drawings are always great to see. It's too bad we'll have to wait till next year for Project Blues, but you do have a degree to get through after all. I really love the premise for that one, so I look forward to it. And I would totally get that Owen poster if I didn't live in the same house as my parents.

Laura Castrillón

Good luck with your life in college. And you're right, this all sounds great.