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Whew, it's been a while since our last update! I'd like to thank you all for your godly patience with me, I am so lucky to have y'alls support. It feels so damn nice to be working on Repeat again, and I'm gonna go full throttle this summer! >:D

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  • 8 New CG artworks!
  • New tarot card artwork for Sissel!
  • New dynamic title page! The main menu artwork/music now changes based on the story route you are currently playing. More artwork is planned for the other characters in the future!
  • Sissel's Route Part B is now underway! 1.5 story days of progress has been completed so far.
  • Linux builds for Repeat (Visual Novel) is now available.




Hell yeah! im so excited!


Cool. Really love Euca`s tail on this pic. xD. upd : Played it and its really great. Although i think Phillip needs some serious nerfing, Not that i dont like edgy characters but hes sort of...less believable than the others. Or maybe its just me being too stupid xD Either way its great to have an update, you really made my day! Cant wait for more


Yas ! Great job, I can already tell playing through it is gonna be a good time !


yeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ive been waiting for this im gonna replay from the beginning also the Dynamic menu is ++++++++++++++

Christoph Brauer

That part B is showing the meaning of the novel's name - and a great Idea at all. I'm looking forward to thie next update.


Haha thanks! And yeaah, Phillip's a little more on the anime side character-wise. I kinda want that element in his character since his route gets pretty dark and depressing and I wanna keep something light and fun in their for contrast ;w;


Aaaah glad y'all are liking it so far! The dynamic menu was such a hassle to code, but it's worth it~ <3


I-I'm shaking. I didn't realize how much I loved this game.


Everything from my past theories are beginning to fall into place. ...I think anyway. I previously made a theory regarding the (spoilers) edelweiss, and the flowers. Each flower being connected to a character. Each flower listed had a bad ending for it, which would be the ending for part A of that character. I'm not here to talk about most of the flowers, however. I'm here to talk about a specific one: The Forget-Me-Nots. A line the edelweiss said while talking about it is: "-unless you want to face the noose again. No... no, don't do this to yourself. Don't do this to HER." If you recall one scene in this update, (More spoilers) Euca says that he saw Jinny die. Jinny replies with: "I did too." This confirms something I said before in the comments of a previous update (The update where the ending of Sissel's part A came out). I can't remember what, however. Moving on. After Jinny says those words, an image will flash on the screen (MORE SPOILERS). It is an image of a noose. Jinny is there, looking very shocked, as if seeing a dead body hanging from the noose. From where the picture was taken, it looks like we're looking through the noose. But if you look at the bottom of the image... a darker truth is revealed. It is us, hanging from that noose. We commit suicide because we failed to complete our objective, or something among the lines of that. We fail to protect Sissel. We fail to use our second chance to protect him. Halley can't send us back again, and we're faced with extreme depression after being brought down by Halley (I honestly think she'll do that if we fuck up. It's hidden within her personality). Finally, Euca snaps. He goes home, makes a noose, and hangs himself from it, ending his life, just as Jinny walks in. We can't afford to fuck up. We must save Sissel, and everyone else for a true ending to make sure Euca doesn't kill himself again. Oh, and nice work Shirokoi! Keep it up! You're allowing me to actually be busy for once creating theories! I have a lot of free time I don't use up because... well, I don't have a job. (-p-) Creating these theories are a lot of fun! I really hope that the next update comes soon so I can keep at it. Have a good one, and take it easy. Oh, and remember, this is just theorizing. None of this is 100% canon until Shirokoi confirms it in an update or something. Goodbye!


This novel brings me to tears, and also after finishing having to wait again brings more tears keep up the great work! dont pull a blackgate.


It's weird... It said that it was posted on last Monday... Yet, I can't see this post until today... Very strange...


I just couldn't help but to shiver as soon as I started the part B. Even though I knew that would happen, it was just shocking to see them all alright. I can't wait for the next update!! Keep up this amazing work Shirokoi!!!!


I love your game


That's a heart-tickling one! I'll wait for another month~(In case you are in free and have enough time to work on within this month~)


I absolutely love reading these kind of theories, it's great to see whether or not the foreshadowing stuffs I added early on are landing >:3 I can't really comment on any of your theories because possible spoilers, but keep on theorizing! These really motivate me to keep writing :D


Idk about this whole Blackgate situation but I'll do my best! It's great to hear you're still enjoying Repeat after all this time! :D


People finally know why the game's called Repeat and it's so satisfying haha~


Thanks for adding linux support!

Bobby Thornbody

I just finished playing the new update for Sissel. I'm so relieved to see the group again... though it'd making me crazy that you left things on a cliffhanger! XD Well done. I'll be looking forward to the next update.


I replay the morning of the last day whenever I need to cheer up. I also love the way how Sissel's PoV occasionally mixes into yours, very casually, like their stories have fully become one at this point.


Last time i play THIS game was over year ago. From that time a lot of things changed for better. I love this game very much (but in last year i was completely out of space in my phone and any other device) and i see you do it well. Keep it up dude. We all count on you. Good luck with creating this magnificent game. Little bonus from me. ;P (Insert name): You're addicted to this game. (Me): Addicted and proud.


*Gaining money *I'm going to become a patreon of you! *Knowing it'll be work fills you with determination!


and they fuck so hard that night so fucking hard what the fuck did they do last night