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Hello everyone! I just want to start by saying thank you all for your support so far. Unfortunately this semester is still hitting me hard with my part-time job, internship, classes, and other projects and I have made very little progress on Repeat's development over the past month. Because of this, I can't in good conscience ask for your usual Patreon donations with how little I've been able to put out. So consider March a hiatus-period for Repeat's development. I will continue to work on Repeat when I have free time, but in the meantime, no one will be charged via Patreon for the duration of March. 

I'm terribly sorry for the lack of progress but irl responsibilities have been taking up a lot of time. Thankfully, my classes/degree project should be finished by the end of April, so progress should resume at a steady pace afterwards. Thank you all again for bearing with me, and I look forward to writing/drawing for y'all in the near future!

For those who want to continue donating/supporting me in spite of the lull in content, I do have a Ko-Fi page set up if you're interested:  Ko-fi.com/A3001IB 

Thank you all again! I can't overstate how grateful I am to have you guys and I'll do my best to return in tip-top shape for the months after this semester! ;w;/

Edit: TO WHOEVER JUST DONATED ON MY KO-FI NOT EVEN A MINUTE AFTER THIS POST: aaaaaaaah you're too kind thank you so much ;;;;;;w;;;;;;;;; 



Hey, you've got more important things to take care of. Try not to burn yourself out. ^_^


Don't worry about it ^^ IRL stuff will always have to take priority - hope all the work goes well!


Thank you! I kinda hit a brick wall of burnout these last few months but I've slowly been pacing myself better. Hnnng I just wanna work on Repeat again tho ;;w;;


I appreciate the support! Work and my internship's been pretty enjoyable, it's just my classes eating up all my time aaaaaaah OTL


Take care of yourself! Your mental and physical health matters more than anything.


Hey, hey! I hope you'll be alright! <3


We'll be supporting you no matter what! Take care!


I have full confidence that you will climb over the steep mountain that is: "Life Problems", and succeed even more in your life than you already have! Have a good one! I cannot wait until the next update, but I will choose to because I know what happened the last time I rushed someone for doing something... *They quit doing it... yeah*


You've got my support no matter what ^_^


It will be fine if you stopped update Repeat until May... Just everyone must experience this kind of awful things...


You manage to juggle university, an internship, a job, and still have time to create this wonderful VN and draw? I don't know how you do it; that sounds like a workload far higher than most people could handle. Please do take care of yourself and take breaks when you need to, because that does sound like a recipe for burnout. I don't know if you have exams at the moment like me, but I wish you good luck in getting to the end of the semester. I hope life eases up on you soon, and that you get the rest you need.

Kazma Cono

Shiro take care of yourself first dont worry about us we can wait we just want you to be ok


Not everyone will wait so patiently for something they want done ASAP, some will go to the extent of harassing the person making it to do it quicker, which leads to the dev becoming withdrawn and lonely, along with sad and depressed... I've seen it happen to someone. It's how humanity & today's society works unfortunately... oh, and trolls.


Damn just when it was getting good. Also I was screaming in the middle of the night for Sora (my name for the mc) to grab the freeze spray.