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Alrighty, let's get started with Phillip's Route: Part A! This update's definitely on the smaller side due to how busy I've been, but I hope everyone enjoys what I managed to finish! I've also been experimenting with looping "animated" sprites in this update. If things work out, I might end up using this function more often in certain scenes!


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  • 1 New CG artwork
  • 2 New sprites for the pigeon birb!
  • 1 New sprite for Phillip
  • Phillip's Route - Day 9 is now 30% complete
  • Various grammer/spelling fixes (shoutout to @kurtzykurtz for sending me a massive list of typos for me to fix!)
  • Fixed bug where Owen's sprite wouldn't show up in certain scenes




Hell yes!




Philip! <3


Omg demonic children are back, led by Arnold, the Merciless Lord Of Gothic Darkness himself, and it seems they are all after our little hero. Echo to the rescue!


I'm sure you'd be less reluctant to babysit a bunch of kids if you knew a bunch of armed men would be cornering you if you happened to be elsewhere, Owen. But jeez, those kids are some demon spawn. Reminds me of being a teaching assistant myself, though I never did think of co-opting them to get rid of bad customers too. I feel like I'd get in trouble for that. We've had all three characters dealing with terrible people outside of the law before, but yikes, the flashback scene from the bandana was chilling and disturbing in a different way than I've seen in this series before. Might be that it's a firsthand account this time, but it really seems to tap into some primal fear and horror in the reader. I'm surprised Euca could keep his composure so well after seeing it. Phew, and I thought the Sissel route was intense. I do look forward to what you create in this route, but I'll also remember to be ready for disturbing stuff. And lastly, sorry for having been away for a few months. I haven't lost interest, just been rather busy lately. Love being able to access Owen's cut content (I see you're your usual judgy self, Echo), and that you included the tennis scene. That was a really sweet and intimate time that I missed a lot. As for everyone's favourite pigeon birb, their name is Holly, eh? It's a good name, though I'll have to get used to calling them that. I've been calling them Kevin until now.


I just finished the story of Sissel today and I don't think I've cried so damn much in one day, for a long long time.


Well I'm gonna asking you for a permission. A permission to re-upload your visual novel in Chinese Community since Patreon is currently banned from China Government, and I want the furry fans in China can have the same right to play this game like me. I won't do anything related to commercial uses or sth similar, for sure. Can u accept my request...?


Of course! As long as proper credit is given, feel free to distribute it where you'd like. Thank you for your time! ;w;/


The demon kids are inspired by my time as a counselor at a YMCA camp lol. Loved hanging out with them, hated getting destroyed by them. They kept kicking me in the shins ;w; I'm glad the Phillip flashback scene was effective! I've been watching and referencing horror media to try and implement it to compliment Phillip's route. Y'all are definitely gonna see some shit later on >:3c No gore though, I've never been a fan of that stuff. And now worries! Life hits us with the busies all the time, I'm glad to see you back! Your long observant comments are always something I look forward to after updates. Hope to see you more often in the future! ;w;/


His back story hits home with me alot and just everything else that happened, it broke me. I think even more so because i fell in love with Sissel as a character, he reminds me a lot of my bf.


Shirokoi, i searched for the names of the soundtracks for hours: twitter, ask.nsw?, patreon and youtube, but i didn't find what i was searching for. Can you please tell me? Thank you. Your game is really beautiful! (If there is bad grammar is because i'm italian)

Amy Eklund

I literally just finished what was available of Phillip's route, and I must say I really love this VN. I'm glad it hasn't been abandoned, as some really promising ones seem to have been. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the rest of the game.