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Happy Holidays everyone! Hope everyone has a fantastic and jolly time, and that the new year shines bright!

Mushiness aside, here is the new Repeat update! Unfortunately due to my time in college and other life obligations, there are no "new" story bits in this update. This is more of a "maintenance" update: rewriting several scenes in early game, adding newer sprites into older scenes, and fixing story inconsistencies here and there. However, I did add a few goodies here and there that I'm sure some of you will get a kick out of. Also, I felt like it was high time I fixed up a good portion of Repeat's earlier game. My beginner writing skills back in the day cause me so much grief, I kinda cringe and die a little when rereading my old work. So basically this update is just me trying to kick younger me in the balls at tell myself to git gud as a writer.

(Google drive links are currently being uploaded but they're slow as balls and acting really funky so here's the other links first. I'll put up the Google Drive links later. Curse you shitty forest wifi! >:U )

Windows: (Dropbox) (Mediafire) (Google Drive)  

MAC:  (Dropbox) (Mediafire) (Google Drive)  

 Android App - Not recommended or stable on all devices:  (Dropbox) (Mediafire) (Google Drive)  


  • Players can now re-access Owen's old cut content before his route rewrite! This includes that Samuel lewd scene y'all keep thirsting for and probably the only reason most of y'all want to replay this. Just type in "Owen Cut Content" when Echo asks for your wish on Day 5. You will be judged thoroughly.
  • 3 New CG artworks for Owen's introduction in Day 1
  • 3 New sprites for Owen
  • 3 New sprites for Phillip
  • Integrated Phillip, Owen, and Sissel's new sprites into older areas of the game for better character expression.

(The following are a lot of specifics, but TLDR; rewrote a bunch of scenes and tweaked others in older game areas. Most of this is to streamline the story and get rid of early ideas that I will no longer use.) 

  • Rewrote the choice results for Phillip's Day 1 and Owen's Day 1 options for better character development.
  • Tweaked Phillip's rooftop scene in Day 1: to better fit his future character arc. Retconned his fear of heights. 
  • Rewrote Phillip's classroom scene in Day 2: to better fit his rebellious character progression and flows better into the Dorcas Dolores fiasco. And foreshadowing stuff.
  • Tweaked Sissel's and Owen's morning scene scene Day 2:  Retconned Sissel and Owen hating each other and turned it into a more frustrated friendship. They were originally going to have a "scorned lovers" arc, but this has been cut out.
  • Added Euca's (protagonist) love of chocolate + foreshadowing of personal issues early on when all alone.
  • Rewrote/tweaked Owen and Phillip's moping scenes after their outburst on Day 4. Owen's character reacts to problems by laughing it off and bottling up feels. Phillip's character reacts by getting angry at others and himself.
  • Tweaked all of Owen's moping scenes in general to better match his characterization.
  • Fixed plothole where Sissel Day 11 forgets his uniform in the dorm when it clearly says he took his uniform with him. 
  • Fixed plothole where Phillip mentions his "parents" despite being raised by a single mother.
  • Increased Phillip's salt, sass, and sarcasm by 300% across the board.
  • FYI: Y'all know that the "Save Phillip from country music hell" scene on Day 5 varies wildly depending on who you comfort and whether you side with Phillip/Owen on Day 4, right? This is the most easily missed scenes in the game, it makes me kinda sad. 
  • Subtly added Phillip's theme music here and there.




Update, YAY! Keep up the good work Shiroki! Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Merry Christmas and thank you for update!


I never experienced the update with the Samuel love scene, but now, I found more story.


I'm now officially a thot! ^^


I think I was a tiny bit worried when you talked about making Phillip so much saltier, but now I just feel silly. Enough of how he was before is intact while all the changes I've seen are good and do seem more fitting for sure. The other changes I've seen so far with different characters/scenes are good too. Nice work! I only found the game last month and this is a nice excuse to give a bunch of it another read. Thanks for the holiday present!


Haah, Owen~~! <3.


God, the Cut Content option made my night, I'm oficially a Thot


Wait, is every part where you can write gonna have a code of some kind?


I'm just starting to replay through everything, but I gotta say I love all of the dialogue changes thus far. I've noticed a couple typos in the opener, before they get into the academy, but more notably, you retconned Phillip's fear of heights but he still mentions it after Owen's story during Dorcas' class.


glad to see this is still going and sadly I couldn't stay a patron with paypal messing up on me

Bobby Thornbody

Hey! Found this story through a YouTuber I watch, and got interested in it. I've currently seen all the main story stuff that's available, but, after actually reading the post you made about this update, last night I loaded up the game just to see the stuff that comes in the 'cut content'. I haven't played through all of it yet, but I've thoroughly enjoyed what I've already seen. Cut content aside, so far I've found each of the stories for the three characters to be quite an interesting read. I'm honestly really sad about how things in Sissel's route end for the first part but I look forward to seeing what the second part has in store. Owen amuses me as a whole and I have to say his story has put me on the edge of my seat several times. And as for Phillip, something about him just makes me giggle, and I have no doubt there will be more laughs to come. I can't become a full Patreon supporter due to lack of funds, so it's nice to see that the story is available even despite that. I really enjoy what I've seen so far and look forward to seeing more.


I am admittingly several versions behind. But DAMN...the scene after the Library on Sissel's route was FUCKING TERRIFYING. Incredible work!

Kazma Cono

You did owner wrong for that ooohhhh it was so hard to keep myself from laughing my friends thought I was constipated from how hard I was keeping myself from laughing


Originally, yes? I'm still debating on what to use those inputs for. It all depends on how much I learn about coding in the Renpy engine lol ;w;


Thanks for the heads up, I'm glad you liked the changes so far! I'll definitely fix those boo-boos up in the next update ;;w;;


Name has been Changed to Sinnamon Thot lmao


Am I the only one getting impatient with waiting for something substantial with Phillip. It's obvious what's going on with him. I wanna kill his rapist already. Also why does he look more like a cute lombax we all know and love rather than the cat he's supposed to be. Oh and Shirokoi how do I update the Windows version? I've been getting by on the unstable Android version ever since you started on this game 3 5 years ago. Now that I have a PC I'd like to know how to update the game without losing my saves.

Laura Castrillón

All this adds more quality to the game.