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I have an announcement to make.


This concludes my announcement.

PS: Some of you may hate me after reading this update.

PPS: This update concludes Sissel's Route: Part A. Story elements are set up, with a full payoff in Part B, don't worry if you feel there are still unaddressed plot-threads specific to Sissel.

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  • Sissel Day 13 is now 100% complete.
  • Sissel Day 14 may or may not exist
  • Sissel Day 15 is now 100% complete.    
  • 14 new CG artworks
  • Experimenting with a short "cutscene" with consecutive artworks and hard non-skippable pauses with the visual novel's code. Feedback would be appreciated!




Gonna go and play right now :3 I can't wait to see the changes and I can't wait until you get to the stuff with Owen as well <3 that big flirt had me since day 1 XP



bob billion

any chance someone could tell me how to get the good ending with sissel i have tried 4 times and am having no luck. or is the fire the only ending?


The feels ;-;

Tecky Reid

What an endng to one of Sissels, that will be repeat-ing (ha ha get it? :P) in my head for a while. As for feedback, timing of forced pauses were spot on, really helped with the story progression.


Sissel suffered so much, I hope this time in this new chance Euca can save him and Jinny, great update better than the previous one


The cutscenes felt natural enough; superb quality as always, thanks a lot for this! On the other hand, oh my poor fluffy buns, getting roped from one tragedy to another... I can only hope Owen and Phillip stayed safe (oh what am I thinking, the chances are probably... )


Amazing if heartbreaking update. The 'cutscene' worked well, I think, more of those would definitely work. Really looking forward to Part B, and Owen's route to continue.


I teared up a little when i saw the update


Well he did say Day 14 may or may not happen so...possibly there's something we need to do for us to see what Day 14 is? Unless that will come up in the later update


also I wanna say that ive played through so many visual novels, even ongoing ones and urs is so amazing, I go through a multitude of emotions with each update


Pleas be simi happy ending


oh fuck this now i wanna die but i love this.


Damn i cried at the end...poor everyone...I would never expect a furry vn to cause such reaction but it did. Great work man! Cutscenes were also a pleasant surprise. Hope will get to kick that Remnant``'s ass somewhere in the future ...or kick his balls - it seems that its Euca`'s favourite move in any fight xD


Ok so I’m confused I read the description and I gotta ask you said this concludes Sissels route for part A but there’s also gonna be a part B?


Didn't have time to check the update until now as midterms have been a little crazy. But holy shit, that took a very quick and tragic turn that I did not expect at all. All the accomplishments of the past days suddenly rolled back in a series of disasters coming too fast to counter, like a model falling apart right after you think you made it look presentable. But wow, the whole feel of the story really changed with this update. Jinny's apparent (if possibly impermanent) death was definitely a shock, and by Sissel's letter, I was left wondering how things can possibly be fixed from here. A very different kind of story we have now, and you're taking it rather farther than I thought you would. Certainly shocking so far, but I look forward to seeing where you plan on going with this. I'm glad you managed to end on a cliffhanger note that apparently alludes to the main premise instead of a completely despairing and irreparable ending. But still... damn, I need some time to process this.


Me: *See's new update for non-patrons* "YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!" *Plays Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley* "I don't care if I rick rolled myself! This update finally came out! And its the only song I can dance to!!" (And I love the song :3)


Oh... I'm not so happy anymore after playing it... Each time I hear Moonheart2 it makes me want to burst into tears for what... god... I am even more sad now... I better get back to writing my little fan fiction to calm myself down...


The way you've wrapped up Sissel's A route has been sublime. It's like, especially with Sissel's backstory (I shan't go into details in order to avoid spoiling others), I appreciate how you've interwoven little details with how characters react and move. Your storytelling has really improved a great amount lately- I look forward to seeing how much you're able to do when you have even more time to work on this.


I only have 1 question.... are we going to be getting part B before or after you do the other routes? because i can't live with this kind of cliff hanger for ever.. first time posting but i've been following this for about 2 years now? and i am so invested I don't tink i can handle the wait for this route to finish while you do the others! x.x

Kilik Odagawa

I'm gonna hazard a guess and say that Day 14 will be the day of becoming a Wish Granter, as has been fortold. THUS, why Day 14 is inaccessible to us for now.


Holy shit... I just remembered something... the Edelweiss!! Each flower had a different bad ending, or the end to their part A's! For Owen, the orange rose, he Wilts, so Owen will become very weak. Meaning that he could end up in the hospital in a critical state. For Phillip, the Marigold, he scatters, or shatters... he could become broken or insane? Possibly, yet we do not know for sure. and finally, Sissel, the Daffodil, burns... everyone who has seen the ending of the newest build, will know what this means... everything that he has obtained, reduced to ashes... that is my theory, and should not be taken as the real deal. I am not the official author of Repeat, nor do I intend on becoming so. I only theorize. I honestly wonder if I got any of this right, heh... what do you guys think?


Just realized I forgot about Echo and Halley, The Forget-Me-Not and The Morning Glory... starting off, Echo, the Forget-Me-Not... where do I start? For one thing, the Edelweiss stated that "Our story will not begin until we finish theirs..." and that "We must save them, so that we may free ourselves from this prison in time..." as well as: "We must seek the truth and look to the past where this all began... unless we want to face the noose again..." Those last lines 'Unless we want to face the noose again...' could be a possible Part A ending for Echo's route (should we ever get one of course) and last but not least... the most confusing for me... "No...no... don't do this to yourself... don't do this to HER..." who could she be? Jinny? More than unlikely... moving on... Halley, The Morning Glory... an odd flower as stated by the Edelweiss, while death may loom at her door and with most of her memories lost, she still beckons us toward a brighter path than we are on now... she is the appearant key to all of this... possibly killing the Remnant? It is possible, yet like everything else, nothing has been conformed... A body of a corpse, yet a heart as steeled as any blade... meaning that she is determined... yes? I honestly have no clue, while I may have gotten some of the cryptic messaging correct, I may have gotten some of it wrong... (maybe I should look into this a bit more... idk) either way, it has taken me a really long while to type all of this out, let alone even try to figure this stuff out... and that line... "I hope you make the right path... wish-granter..." I... I don't know. Its 9:05 PM as I am writing this, and I am tired as hell... night you guys... c'yall in the morning (hopefully with new theories)


One of my main theories is that Euca's wish that happened so long ago that made Echo want to hit you.... was death. At that point in his life, Euca had wanted to die. Of course it appears he does not anymore and it is why echo is becoming corrupted. Echo is refusing to let Euca die.


Possible. Yet we do not know his true motive, nor do we know about what Euca wished for. If it really is death... I honestly wonder what the hell he was going through... he did mention that his parents never really cared about what he did in school, possibly leading to the rumor that Euca's parents didn't care for him much in general... yet some things don't add up, that I am aware of... theorizing is hard... sometimes...


Brooo Sissel's Ending for 6.1 is so sad...


I know, right? Luckily, we have the chance to change it in Part B... hopefully...


Yeah. And save jinny from the fire


Have you considered maybe releasing a soundtrack for the game at some point? Some of the music is *amazing*. I have a save point in the fire scene just to listen to the music on loop. (In a somewhat unrelated tangent, is Patreon acting up with payments going through for anyone else or is it just me? Because it won't send my payment through and keeps failing whenever I retry and I've never had an issue with it before.)


I go and cry now


Is sissels ending gonna change?


I cried pretty hard. Good writing. I might be a little too attached and upset the story ended that way for me. And will be going through every possible dialogue to get a better ending... So I hope....


I'm not gonna cry...I'm not gonna cry...I'm not gonna cry.......................................... WAHHHHH!!!!!! *balls my eyes out* There has to be a way to make this right! It CAN NOT end like that!


omg, did I hear hunter's dream from Bloodborne‽‽

Laura Castrillón

I loved and saddened every part of this update.