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I am posting this to let you know and apologize for my sudden and long disappearance. I am very, very, very sorry.

Everything became chaotic from one day to the next, and I don't know how. Suddenly and without warning, I was logged out of all my devices. When I tried to log in, a message appeared stating that my password had been changed a few hours ago. I tried to use the two-step security, but there was another phone number registered. I really panicked that day and haven't felt good since.

Fortunately, I was able to retrieve my account after months of talking to people at Google. I got it back a few minutes ago, and while I would like to talk more, I want to check a lot of things and make sure everything is in order.

I am truly sorry for worrying you.




Glad to see it wasn’t terrible to your personally! Though I truly recommend having back-up email to avoid this scenario again.


Actually I have it, but I didn't use it for other accounts, now I will definitely use it.


I thought for the longest time that this had been forgotten im glad to see i was wrong the last time i asked when the next release was expected to come out was 5 months ago and im glad i waited all this time ro see a new post hope to see the next release soon


Sorry for the inconvenience, it hasn't been a very pleasant few months for me. I'm thinking of uploading the base so you can all be the first to see the improvements, and I'll be more active uploading things.