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Aqua - "And just when we created a good outfit for you..."
Player - "This thing gets in the way when I fight, my arms don't feel comfortable."
Aqua - "Well, it doesn't matter if you take it off, it'll always come back on when you transform again."
Player - "That whole transforming as a magical girl thing doesn't really appeal to me, plus I don't know how to use magic well enough to wear something ostentatious."

This week I've been hesitating whether to upload something or not, I'm too embarrassed to give you any sign of life but without giving you an update....

These last few months have been very heavy for me.
My father passed away in May due to covid and my physical and emotional health has not been very good.
I have been banned from some things due to high stress and have not been able to make as much progress as I would like.

I was planning on releasing version 0.3 in June to commemorate the year since I uploaded the game, version 0.3 is Aqua's full route and some loose events from other girls that complement her route.

I don't have a fixed date, but the work you will see is proportional to the time that has passed, so I hope to upload it soon.




You have my deepest sympathies, and you don't have to worry we will still be here when you feel better.


I understand how you feel, I also lost a beloved family member in June. My golden lab, my dog that’s been with me for 13 years, died. It was incredibly depressing, so much that I could barely work, ate less, and tried to distract myself with anything not relating to death. However, time heals, and while I, and you as well, will occasionally think back to the days where our loved one was around. Be happy that they were part of our lives, I’m sure your Father was immensely proud of you, and all that you did, and would continue to wish for your success and pursuit of your passion even from the afterlife.