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First of all, I want to say that I've barely made any progress this month..... But now I have more free time, so I'm back in full swing!

I've been reading your ideas and wow they are great, thank you so much for thinking about what can be added to the game, of course I'm going to add some of them, they are really good.


Let's talk about Fantasia.

Fantasia had a very sudden change....
The story went from traveling around the world having adventures and romances to conquering worlds by enslaving girls from other dimensions...

The game focuses more on turn-based combat with a trainer system.

At the moment I have a list of characters to start with, which are the main and secondary characters. Once version 0.2 is released I'll show which ones I'll be working with.

But the interesting part comes in the enslaved worlds.

I'm going to do a poll to see if you would like each world to have its own drawing style, and I say that because of the western cartoon girls.

Some I think it would be nice to draw them in their own style and others in a more anime style, like the powerpuff girls.

I still think it will be ready early this month.
So, that's all for the moment.



While it would be interesting to see them drawn in their own styles, I do not believe all shows translate as well to a adult usage of their art. Like Power Puff Girls, though as you mention; you could change that to its anime counterpart. I would prefer more consistency of the art. But that’s just a personal opinion and I’ll enjoy a different in artistic direction for each world nonetheless.


Me too, but I feel that some characters have their charm in the design, plus lately I want to experiment with different drawing styles.