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This week has been super funny, because of the amount of haters that have come to criticize me.
Because their argument in general is that I'm sexist and they refuse to play with a trap protagonist and a girl.
Which matters little or nothing to me, literally at this point in the story, both routes are the same with the difference in the sex change.

Yesterday I removed an argument which was that I had no previews of the male prota on my itch page (my fault), and now they come to tell me that I have to change Fantasia mc to be a man because I ruin schoolife.

That cracked me up XD
I'm not going to do it, obviously.

Tell me if I'm wrong but for me that's a sexist attitude and I'm not going to listen to that kind of people.



Haters gonna hate. Also, ruin school life? Lmao. Salty as hell they don’t get their generic male mc protag. I for one, encourage the trap/female mc. Heck, we don’t have much in the ways of trap mcs.


It's a stupid argument to say your sexist. It would make a better case if you only had one sex, like many other creators in their games. You offer a choice in school life, female for fantasia, and a male for the third. That's the opposite of sexist.