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Hi guys, I've run out of ideas to upload here on patreon.
I still have about two or three cg sketches to finish but beyond that I have no more.
I have some stuff that I haven't shown but I'd like to keep the surprises coming.
So what do you think?

Do I show what's missing and keep uploading content or do you wait for me to upload the next build?
I would upload it next week or the first week of September at the latest, it all depends on how much free time my current job leaves me.



I would actually prefer if you did neither. Keep it the rest of it a surprise. No need to show us every new sketch. While I did love the posts you shown, you did show us a lot really quickly. It’s okay to slow down and reserve material for later posts.


Thanks, after upload the next build I will organise myself better so as not to saturate myself.


Checking up on ya! It's been two months since your last post. Wondering if the next build is going to be released at some point?