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My native language is not English.
If you see any misspelled words or sentences, let me know.

Aqua "I wonder for which one you should go first..."
Aqua "Ah! I know!"
Aqua "Hey Mirai, do you have any kind of person you like?"
Mirai "No one in particular."
Aqua "Then how about some kind of girl?"
Mirai "No one in particular."
Aqua "Someone who's good in the kitchen sounds good, right?"
Mirai "Not necessarily."
Aqua "What about her personality...?"
Mirai "None in particular."
Aqua "..."
Aqua "I see, yup yup."
Aqua "It doesn't matter as long as she's a girl."
Aqua "... I like it~."
Mirai "Hey!"
Mirai "Don't misunderstand my words, I'm just saying that everyone can be unique in their own way."
Mirai "I don't have a problem with anyone in particular since every human being can be a very valuable jewel if you know how to see well."
Aqua "..."
Aqua "///"
Mirai "...?"
Aqua "That's what you just said, I really liked it."

For someone who has a harem, the most important thing is not physique, not intelligence or wit, not authority, not riches...
What's most important is fulfilment.
It's the sense of responsibility that you have.

Aqua "Listen well, you don't want a girlfriend, you need to have many girlfriends!"
Aqua "It's a matter of life and death in these circumstances, it's up to you if I can get back to heaven and get my job back."
Mirai "So what exactly am I supposed to do?"
Aqua "Well, why don't you try flirting?"
Aqua "That's the most common thing for humans to do when trying to get a relationship."
Mirai "Ha!? Flirt!? Me???? You're asking me to do something impossible!"
Aqua "You have a pretty face, although your villain eyes don't help much, but there sure must be a lot of girls out there who are attracted to that."
Mirai "I don't know if you're teasing me or flattering me."
Mirai "You know, I'm not very good at talking to people I don't know."
Mirai "That's going to be a big enough problem."
Aqua "Don't lie, from what I've seen, you're very good at it."
Mirai "Let me show you."
Mirai "Excuse me, you have a stain on your neck, if you want I can lend you a handkerchief to clean it."
Girl01 "Ah!? Fuck off."
Aqua "That was a wart..."
Mirai "See, I suck at this stuff."
Aqua "You're incredibly good at talking, to the point where you can't contain what you say...."
Aqua "Relax, you already know the girls you're picking up."
Mirai "Right, you said something about that last night."
Mirai "Well, I don't think talking to them would be a problem, but having a conversation would be hard enough."
Mirai "Especially if it's trying to pick someone up, I don't even know what I should say to pick someone up."
Aqua "You don't have to think about it that much."
Aqua "A simple, do you want to have a coffee, or do you want to have lunch with me?"
Aqua "That's more than enough."
Mirai "If you say so..."
Aqua "Over a meal, it's easy to bring up topics of conversation, things like what your hobbies are and how your day has been."
Aqua "Just don't think about such complex things."
Mirai "I see, a simple topic of conversation about everyday life is more than enough."
Mirai "For who you are, you give good advice, it amazes me how your stupidity can fool people."
Aqua "You're the only one who thinks that!"
Mirai "Really?"
Aqua "Don't say it like I normally act like a fool!!!"
Aqua "I'm a goddess and I've been in charge of the earth for thousands of years, things like this are a piece of cake."
Mirai "I understand, I'll put it to the test then."
Aqua "Great, now you're talking".
Aqua "Then let's go with one of the candidates!"
Aqua "Ah, there's one."
Aqua "Good, go and give it your best shot!"
Aqua "I'll support you!!!!"
Mirai "I can't believe I'm going to do this..."
Mirai "Excuse me!!!"
Mirai "If you're free, would you like to go out for coffee with me!!!?"
Unknown "Huh?"
Unknown "Oh, you're flirting with me, how dare you?"
Mirai "Eh...?"
Unknown "No, don't say eh?"
Unknown "You should see people when you talk to them."
Mirai "You're the secretary of the student council!"
Mirai "Kunieda Aoi!"
"Aqua! What's the meaning of this?"
"You didn't tell me that a candidate was the dangerous girl of the student council!"
Aqua "Tehepero~"
"Damn you!!!!"
Mirai "Sorry, this is just God's joke."
Mirai "If you want, you can go, I won't stop you, so I'll say goodbye, see you."
"I don't want to enter such a dangerous path so fast."
Aoi "Wait."
Mirai "Huh?"
Aoi "Can you explain me what you were doing?"
Mirai "No, I don't think I can, so if you'll excuse me."
Mirai "Wah!"
She held my hand and won't let me go..."
Mirai "Mm... Excuse me, could you let me go?"
Aoi "As a member of the student council and in charge of the disbanded discipline committee."
Aoi "It is my duty to see that our students behave in a dignified manner."
Aoi "What you just did inflicts the rules of morality".
Aoi "Flirting inside the school and doing it with a member of the student council".
Aoi "You know that deserves punishment, at least a week's detention."
Mirai "Give me a break."
Aoi "Tell me, did you come here to make fun of me?"
Mirai "Of course not, I was serious."
Mirai "It's just that I didn't get a good look at you..."
Aoi "Huh?"
Aoi "So it doesn't matter who you pick up as long as it's a woman?"
Mirai "That again?!"
Mirai "It doesn't matter! Everyone's good in their own way!!!"
Aoi "Oh, so by those standards, I should be fine too."
Mirai "Well, you're cute."
Mirai "But you scare me..."
Aoi "Mmm..."
Aoi "Hahahahaha"
Mirai "Huh? Don't laugh!"
Mirai "This was my first time doing this and I tried too hard!"
Mirai ".... Uu... *sob*"
Mirai "Ugg... Uuuu... Waaaaaaaaa...!"
Aoi "Hey, I'm the one who's supposed to be crying."
Aoi "Come on, don't do this to me in full view of everyone."
"*gossip sounds*"
Girl01 "You saw, she made her cry."
Girl 02 "Hey, but she's the president's right-hand girl..."
Girl 03 "Is it okay for a student council member to make a student cry?"
"Hehe~ All according to plan."
Aqua "You're the worst."
Mirai "kuuu.. sniff.. sniff.... *fake sob*"
Aoi "Huh? I.. kh! Agh! Ok!!!"
Aoi "Come with me!"
Mirai "Huh?"

Aoi "Haa~ No one can see us here anymore."
"She took me to the rooftop."
Aoi "Listen well."
Aoi "I'll let you off with a warning just this once, okay?"
Aoi "But don't ever do something like that again."
Mirai "I fine with that."
Aoi "But tell me, how desperate are you to date someone you don't even see who you're asking out?"
Mirai "Well, summer holiday is coming up."
Aoi "Ah, that's right."
Aoi "Around this time, many people usually have a new relationship with someone."
Mirai "Yes, It's that time of the year when the girl you're interested in suddenly becomes someone else after the summer holidays".
Aoi "Ah, there have certainly been girls who were shy in the first semester and after the holidays they come back tanned and with dyed hair."
Mirai "Enough! Let's not talk about the war wounds of many students..."
Aoi "Although it's all nonsense to me, school is a place to study, not to look for a mate."
Mirai "Well, we're young, don't take it so hard."
Aoi "I'm not taking it to heart, it's just ridiculous to see how girls get caught up in it instead of concentrating on their studies."
Mirai "Mm..."
Mirai "Ah! I get it, you've never experienced what it's like to have a couple on summer holiday and that's why you say that!"
Mirai "Actually, neither have I."
Aoi "What did you say?"
Aoi "I don't need any of that ridiculousness!"
Mirai "Mm.. Tell me, have you ever dated anyone?"
Aoi "What?!? ///"
Mirai "Did I get it right?"
Aoi "So what if it's true?"
Aoi "I don't need to date anyone to feel fulfilled as a human being."
Aoi "I'm fine without those things, besides, I'm a student, it's my duty to concentrate on my studies."
Mirai "...."
Mirai "I see."
Mirai "Well, if you change your mind, I'd like to go on a date with you."
Aoi "Huh?"
Mirai "I was scared of you at first, but I see that looks can be deceiving, you're not only pretty in appearance, learning more about you made me realize that you're more prettier than I thought."
Mirai "Well, see ya!"
Aoi "Eh...~"
Aoi "////"

This and much more will come in v0.2.
I'll make it worth the wait.


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