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Wow, what a long day at work. I wipe the sweat off of my eyebrow as I finish up at the gym - grabbing a towel and dabbing my face before drinking the remnants of my water. I push open the door to the changing room, taking off my tank top and looking at myself in the mirror.

Sweat dripped from my neck, down my chest and into my sports bra - as strands of brunette hair stuck to my rosy cheeks.

"Fucking hell," I mumbled to myself,  stretching out my hot, overworked muscles. The gym I went to was quite elite; expensive. Changing rooms were more like suites, each member getting their own little private area to shower and change. I took my long hair out of my ponytail, taking off my fingerless black weight gloves as I heard the door to my suite open.

I look over my shoulder to see an individual stumbling through the door and onto the floor - their hands barely catching them from their fall.

"Are you okay?" I ask, raising an eyebrow and going over to help. The person on the floor looks up at me through their eyelashes, and I find myself being caught off mid sentence.

"I.. uh, This suite is occupied." I said, before offering out a hand to help the person up. They took my hand, their fingers cool to the touch, and I lifted them up - meeting their gaze head on.

The person that stumbled in my changing suite... was you.

I found myself smirking slightly, swallowing as I felt my jaw clench. You were gorgeous - you looked so flustered... Your cheeks red, your hair a mess.

"Oh i'm sorry! I was on my way to the water fountain and I tripped." You stuttered, scratching the back of your neck as you avoided my gaze. You were shy, and I liked that.

"It's no bother at all, sweetheart." I smile, before closing the space between us - your back against a wall as I put a hand one side of your head against it.

"You can tell the truth. I've seen you in the gym looking at me - do you want to shower with me, sweetheart? Am I supposed to believe you've just stumbled in here on accident?" I lift your chin up with my other hand, my dark eyes fixated on yours. You can feel my warm breath against your skin, before my knee suddenly presses in between your legs, causing you to gasp.

"Oh, darling." I purr, my thumb piercing your lips to caress your lower lip. You look up at me completely gobsmacked - you have no idea what to do.

I lean down so my lips brush against your ear, whispering;
"I do like the sound of those noises." I grab both your hands, pinning them up against the wall above your head as I press myself further in between your legs.

"Nothing to say, sweetheart? Come on now, if you're capable of moaning for me like a little slut i'm sure you're able to say yes or no." I keep your wrists pinned above your head as I lean down once more, my lips pressing against your hot neck, taking a soft bite before sucking softly, making the blood rush to the surface.

You moan again, this time your body squirms and writhes under my touch - with every movement your sensitive parts are brushing harder against my knee, causing you to become more aroused.

"Y..Yes!" You whimper, and I bite down harder onto your neck as a satisfied growl comes from my lips.

"Good. I think we're both in need of a shower, don't you?"




Saving on the water bill I see


Please make this into an audio 🙏🙏😍😍😍😳😳