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This month has been quite a creative inspired month. We started drawing up some new ideas for Sonic Battle, which we will talk about more. We also have had some more progress on smaller projects that we are doing for learning purposes, which will become our "Surprise" releases. Now, lets get into it the details on the main projects.

Sonic Battle

We mentioned last month about Sonic Battle getting new "portrait enhanced" touch ups. This means all battle and story portraits have been updated to look even better then they did before. We are going to let you in on two of our secrets for now. They are still in development and will not be in the next update, it will take some time for us to get it right. Here they are...

Commissioned Spotlight

We will be creating a post to showcase commissions whether its past or present. This is to highlight which mods were commissioned and made available to everyone on our Patreon. Don't forget to thank them! Commissions help us know what could be possible for our mods for different interests.

*** A little info about commissioning***

Please be realistic with requests. We can not start/begin an entire project or do an entire recreation of a game for a one time cost. As all that takes devoted time, research, dedication and so on. We have to create limits to a certain degree to make it more manageable and fair to both parties. We will be spending some time writing up a better understanding of commissioned request and setting up guidelines to make it easier to understand when we set up the spotlight post.

Closing Statement

Next month will be quite the Sonic frenzy, something some will enjoy and some won't. Well let's see what next month has in store for you all.


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