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Re-evaluation and Conquering has always been inspirational words to us. We never believe that our work is done, because there's always room for improvements. Portraits, Sprites, and Translating languages we can't read, have always proven to be challenging and entertaining. We don't have a time line for which games are done next, sort of a what inspired us today moments. 

Hearing Patrons opinions or stating which games your here for, helps us direct our attention to serve you better. 

Today, we could be looking at Pokemon, next week creating something new for Fire Emblem. This week we could be re-evaluating some of our basic drawings and giving them quite a make over. Improving our drawings is a goal we keep in mind because, we want to be able to share our mods at their best. This also means new, old or prototypes designs and continue to make what hasn't been done before. 

We also spend an awful lot of time researching and trying to find new or better ways of rom hacking, so we can eventually widen our game variety.

Fire Emblem : The Sacred Stone

We haven't given Fire Emblem much attention due to being hands deep with Sonic Battle (others games / research and so on). This month we spent some time giving it the attention it deserves. We have been working on a new Portrait and some overworld animated sprites. This will be something to look forward in the next month release.

Gotta Protectors

I know, I know... probably not the game you care about... but it is a game id like to say " Re-evaluated and Conquered". This is a perfect example of those words. 

This game has the effect to prove our point in how far we've come in the last 5 months. From custom characters, portraits to completely boob jobbing their naked selves. It may not mean much, but it does show improvements and we are willing to re-work on our original designs. 

This is a treatment we will end up doing to games where applicable, so we can share the mods at their best.

Ending Statement

Did you all enjoy our little Pokemon inspired guessing game

Would you want to see more of these? 

As the holidays are approaching, we will be closing in on the end of the year. A special "Suprise" may be awaiting you... along with our december releases.

We aren't sure if these summaries are something anyone even reads... but we do them anyways for anyone who likes to know what we have been up to. They are also good use of benchmarks and general catch up on our progress.

That's it for now, we will see you in the next month.



I'm waiting for fire emblem if to be completed. excited to see the rest of the things planned.