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Uhmm... Really hate to clutter your notification bar with an "it ain't ready yet" post... But imma do it anyway :p
OK... The next wip is about 80% done. Just have to animate the obligatory cliff hanger ending, add the rather uhhh... energetic, shall we say... fluid simulations, then add some finishing touches like the camera shakes and dialogue.
Buttttt... The weather hasn't been so kind lately and it has been constant hour long blackouts for a while now and I'm not really sure when it'll clear up :/
On the bright side! Through the power of sheer boredom, I picked a couple of unripe tomatoes and lo behold! I now know how to juggle...
No idea what I'm gonna do with that skill but hey! At least now I can say that I'm rather proficient at handling balls... Pretty nice icebreaker if you ask me.
But yeah! That's pretty much it. Just wanted to let you Chads know and also, apologies for the inconvenience :l
Let's just hope it clears up soon so we can finally see some more action :3
Hope you have a wonderful rest of the day you absolute Chad!

PS: Power's back to normal again! I'm currently working on the cliffhanger ending and assuming nothing goes wrong again, it should be done in 1-2 days tops!

Really excited to see what you chads think about this one. It's the penultimate sexy scene of the whole animation so I decided to go a little extra... hehe :3



No worries and thanks for the update, much better than just silence.


That sucks, but I guess it's one way to force you to take a break (or maybe it just gave you even more work if you lost progress). Speaking of tomatoes, I should grow some again. My last crop was terrible


It was actually pretty nice having to just lie in bed, not having to do anything... At least for the first couple hours. Then the boredom sets in... Next thing y'know ur juggling fruit!.. Now that you mention it, there's a bunch of tomato seedlings that just randomly popped up in the backyard... I'm keeping them :p


That's kinda how I got my first tomato seedling a couple years ago. It didn't do too well though. Another one poked its head through the fence a few weeks ago in about the same spot so might be my chance to try again. Probably still a bit too hot here though

Ichigo Kurosaki

A forced break for you means no burn out. Good job, universe lol. Thanks for the update, but the wait for “energetic fluid sim” is such a tease 😏. Sucrose learns to have a kink of being covered in cum? 🥵