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~Who knew cooking skills can be so versatile!

Watch through Mega:


Imma be honest with you, I could've done a bit more on this one. Maybe a little snippet of the next scene. A little more polish here and there. But I just couldn't put down the Sumeru archon quest.

I'm telling you, Mihoyo's on another level when it comes to game story telling. Eh... For casual games at least...

No spoilers!

Normally I could sniff out the entire plot (twists and all) in the first hour whenever I play these kinds of story driven games, but not Genshin. I guess their stories are just too five head for my overworked pair of brain cells. Anyways, now that that distraction is out of that way. Imma focus again on giving you some quality smut ;D




Reading this now is interesting considering how Incredibly Sumeru and Fontaine's story went. Then Furina's story quest OMG! And all from a FtP game.