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A look in to what happened after that steamy night in Liyue...


I wanted to experiment on different lightings in preparation for the next full length animation. And this is my best attempt at a day night cycle kind of thing. Ngl, it was pretty tough to get the feel of each time of day. There's still a lot of room for improvement, but all in all I'm pretty satisfied with the results.

One more thing, I also plan on making the Smutty Mondays a regular thing (it's just the first name that popped in my head, don't at me), where I set aside my weekends to make... something. Idk, whatever I can think of, like this one... You get the idea...

Of course the production of the full length animations still take priority, and I'll be making them on my weekdays. And just incase you're thinking (I'm just assuming, don't at me), don't worry about me overworking or something. I've been doing this for the past 7 months and I know to pace myself, thanks for your concern :)




how can i download it


Ahhh... browsing my earlier ones are we? I dunno if you can download all of it in one go, but you can always open it, right click, & hit "save image as", and it'll download it one at a time :3


Now that I got your Patreon gotta get them all (que Pok-mon music). I thought having Guoba come in was touching.

Alexandru Dimitrescu

You are doing incredible work. Appreciate all of your efforts! Take care of yourself and be well! I'm happy to support you and your work


I love these! Will these scenes be one part of ur future video?


Thank You! I was thinking of animating it to a full length video. It's one of those heartwarming, wholesome fap kind of thing. But jeeeez, do I have a lot in my plate rn. I'm working on 2 animations at the same time with 2 more marinating in my head. But who knows what the future holds...


I used to be a mean man and watch free video in any way. But when I saw your first work, I decided to find you and support you at first time, this work is so amazing, much better than any work I've seen! Thank you for your hard working.