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"My my my!.. Is that a fresh new face I spy?"

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It's the first time I got to properly work with the new Gen 2 Hu Tao, and so far it's goin' great!.. Her new hair rig was a bit more finicky that I would've liked tho. Buuutttt I'm sure I'll eventually manage fix it up... or I'll just get used to it's jank :p

I also got to bust out Boo Tao and even a lil bit of Guoba on this one. And after some tweaking and improvements to their facial expressions, I say they'll do just fine for the rest of the animation :3

One thing that did prove to be a challenge tho, are Hu Tao's dialogues :/

After doing some research on her background and mannerisms, I then had to figure out a way to imitate her personality into my script... including her fondness for poetry! Whiiiich I have zero experience with XD

Tho it was defo hard at first (and often resulted in afternoons spent looking over a bunch of "what rhymes with-..." google tabs). Surprisingly, by the end of it... I actually kind of enjoyed it! Who knew rhyming can be fun? Defo not me XD

And another thing that I tried to make her feel more... "Hu Tao-like" is spending a couple more days just fine tuning the color of her hair and make up. Which surprisingly made way more of a difference than I'd imagine!.. Couple that with the slight tweak to the collar of her shirt to match her original suit, and I didn't even have to make her skinnier anymore! And so thanks to that, her thiccness remains unscathed XD

And lastly, we're gonna be a bit light on the sexy stuff for a while. Since Xiangling and Hu Tao are still... warming up to each other. Buuuttt I'll be sprinkling in some spicy Sucrose x Lumine action here and there while the other two are still in their early stages of relationship so don worry :p

Oh!.. And since one the Chads brought it up, I've been wondering if you'd like to see some pubes on one or both of em.

I've already experimented on the idea with Lumine's Furry Potion, which gave her a cheeky little paw-print-pube along with the rest of the package, that I sneakily added in the last wip... (I was hoping that someone would catch it, but seems I was too sneaky XD)

I kinda like the idea of pubes being... special? With a fun/creative reason for it being there. But so far, that's the only creative application of pubes that I can think off.

So if you got some ideas, be sure to lemme know!... Or if you really just wanna see any of the girls, either sporting a pube or cleanly-shaven, then don't be afraid to voice your opinion as well! I'll give them the time and consideration as usual :3

Either way, I plan on keeping it subtle anyways... Noticeable, but subtle... So don't feel too bad if I end up going for the other options :p

And that's about it!.. Hope you liked it you absolute Chad!




The wait is over! Thanks for your hard work. Also I'd be a fan of the pubes. Like I get the appeal of clean but there's something deviant about unshaven.


These animations just get better and better.


I can't wait for the future updates


Why are you soo goated holy


That was excellently done! Very enjoyable! Personally, in fantasy, I prefer clean shaven, but I don't care if there's some hair.


I have seen too many smooth so im on the pube team.


Damn, she is THICC bro! And about pubes, I like them but if they are nicely shaped instead of just chaotic bush.


Oh you totally nailed Hu Tao, the mannerisms during the rhyme section were just so damn spot on; it's easy to see how much time you put into her authenticity. And writing poetically for characters really can be fun! On the final question, I'm on the "no pewb" side of things, but I encourage you to experiment with it however you want to!

Cray Shay

I Vote for pubes! Although coming up with a creative reason to have them might be challenging…

Shinobu (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-26 18:39:43 You did a great job capturing Tao's way of talking. and as for the pubes question, I personally prefer the clean shaven side but some pubs is also okay if it's not a lot
2024-05-01 03:57:00 You did a great job capturing Tao's way of talking. and as for the pubes question, I personally prefer the clean shaven side but some pubs is also okay if it's not a lot

You did a great job capturing Tao's way of talking. and as for the pubes question, I personally prefer the clean shaven side but some pubs is also okay if it's not a lot

Dark Angel

Nice job with Hu Tao. You definitely nailed the way she talks, it sounds like something she'd actually say! Thanks for asking about the pubes. You know I'm all for it, so I'm hoping most of the others aren't opposed to it. In particular, of the two, I'm hoping Hu Tao gets pubes, since she's my fav. Something that looks well maintained.


Somewhere in the middle, gotcha! And don worry, I'll make sure they're nicely groomed XD


Hehe Glad ya liked it!.. I'm slowly but surely feeling more comfortable slipping into Hu Tao's shoe XD Ohhh! Another for the shave gang!


Ooohhh! Another for the shave gang! I see this topic is more polarizing than I thought lol


Ahh! The resident pube connoisseur! XD Looks like it's a pretty even split between the two sides. So I'll prolly go for one of the two girls being pubed with the other shaved :3 As for who... I guess Hu Tao is more likely to not care much about her outwardly appearance, with Xiangling being a bit more concerned. Especially since she's visiting Traveler's crib XD. As for Sucrose, maybe she doesn't grow any coz of her species. Same with the star faring Lumine :3

Dark Angel

Regarding Sucrose with pubes, I actually thought up the idea of her pubes growing in faster than normal since she's some kind of animal person, but she's extremely self conscious about them so she meticulously keeps herself shaved. Then you can have a cute situation where she somehow forgets to shave and Lumine discovers them. Sucrose gets really embarrassed, but Lumine reassures her that she looks sexy with them. Afterwards, she'd still shave most of the time, but every now and then she'd let them grow in for sexy time. Maybe she'd even be more aggressive during the times she has them, like during the blowjob scene in Happy Accident part 2. I don't know if you'd be interested in this idea, but if you are, then feel free to use it any way you want.


Shave gang. But also, random thing; Do you have a collection you can post/send me of just like.. Wholesome little animated gifs you have? I'd love to have a small collection of cute gifs with your animation style to use for some random personal things! Nothing special, and definitely not for profit. Maybe a random cute discord emote for my personal server or something. <3 Incredible animation tho! As always

Bane of Horni

howabout kinda 'personalized', like if a girl is kinda shy/reserved she'll be more tidied or shaved, and a wild girl can have a full beard down there (jk but you get the point :p)


I don really make too many sfw stuff buuttt... I just looked through all my posts and tagged the more... family friendly stuff with a "Non-H" tag. Ya can go to my "Collections" page and pick "Non-H" at the bottom and it'll show all of em'... or you can just click this link XD https://www.patreon.com/pinksama/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Non-H


Oohhhh... As expected of our resident pube connoisseur XD I like that idea!.. It also makes the paw-print-pube side effect of the furry potion make more sense, since the furry potion is derived from Sucrose's hair sample :3 Not really sure how I can make use of this idea, but I'll take it! Thanks hehe


Yep! I think I'm gonna go for that approach as well... I'll also incorporate some of Dark Angel's suggestion. -Lumine doesn't grow any coz she's a god XD -Sucrose grows a lot coz of her furry dna but shaves regularly coz she's super insecure of it. -Xiangling shaves sometimes, especially when there's an occasion (like being invited to Traveler's teapot). -Hu Tao don give a f about her outwardly appearance so she just let's it grow... Buuuttt I'll still keep it tame XD


More into shaved but don't think I'd be overly concerned either way. The animation in the little poem sequence at the end was pretty cute. The angles/camera movements were fun too, felt very "Hu Tao"


So it's pretty much dead even on the shave vs pube gang XD And I've been experimenting on more dynamic movements and shots on this one. Glad to see it getting some positive response hehe

Bane of Horni

Yessir :D also Sucrose is based af for altering the genetic makeup of a goddess’s body to do butt stuff with her lol

Dominique Stoel

Man you captured Hu Tao's personality perfectly with that little poem, that outfit fits her really well too. I'm on shaved gang, but wouldn't be bother by a well maintained garden.


Loving your work, looking forward to the rest. But could you show their bare breasts more please? Like in the epilogue, but they've been a no show since sadly. They're my favorite part, would love to see Hutao's especially, since they've been hidden all this time. Also, I'm voting for shaved.


Ahh don worry... bare breasts are but an inevitability XD That's one of the big reasons why I upgraded to Gen 2 models after all! just gotta let the two, warm up to each other hehe Ahhh so the shave gang still grows in number!


Awesome, looking forward to them. Is there going to be a foursome with them all? I hope so.


Hard to say... It's pretty tough to think of a logical reason of why there would be a 4some other than all of em got magically horni at the same time XD Ofc I'm always up for a challenge, but I'll prolly start with a 3some and work my way up to 4. Especially now that my PC is barely running at 20 fps when animating 2 characters at the same time. And once I add another character, it's defo gonna start chugging... Then add another? Ooofff XD


3some is good too, though I can see one of Sucrose's potions turning it to a 4some by making them all horny lol.


This looks amazing.

然 杨

Will there be a combination of Keqing and Ganyu in the following video?


Nope!.. I like making smut of underdogs who don't get much love like Sucrose and Xiangling. And I cannot think of any other pairing (other than maybe Raiden x Yae) that gets more love than those two XD


Guoba's shocked expression is so goofy lol. Also came across this the other day. Not sure how helpful it is but thought I'd give it a share. https://i.imgur.com/BdS41ja.png For links: https://hastebin.com/share/wiqeguwoxu.txt


OOoohhhhh it's from Sodeno too! I saw their Xiangling facial a while back and was super curious how they made the cum look so sticky XD Ahhh so they use paid add-on's! Looks much more polished than blender's built in fluid sim. And a lot less finicky with moving objects. I'm defo gonna give this bad boi a try hehehe. Wiggle bones huh... I personally prefer the spring bones add-on for the jiggles, but it's not the best for hair physics. Might give wiggle a go for the hair then :3 As for the animation layers, I don use them XD... Ik it's like the industry standard for animation to chop movements up into different layers. Buuutttt I never really got any formal training, so I just brute force it even to this day lol Anyways... Super thanks for this mahalja, this'll defo help out a lot :3


Just realised I scrolled down too far and commented on the wrong post. Oh well, you still found my comment lol


Lol yeah I was initially thinking "Did guoba make a weird face in the hallway scene?" XD Anyways, thanks again for the info :3