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Despite Martel's fears, the inquisitors did not return, at least not regarding him. He saw them a few times moving through the school, but he simply turned around to avoid them. He had already decided that if anyone came knocking at his chamber door, he would refuse to open, but they never did. A fiveday passed, and things began to feel normal. As Master Fenrick had predicted, without further events, the gruesome story of the maleficar began to fade from the public conversation.

His final lesson in air magic came, where he created his small whirlwind. While not of practical use, other than perhaps picking up paper scraps from the ground, it was a decent demonstration of control over wind, and Master Gilbert was satisfied that Martel might train as an airmage, even if he was not convinced that the storm dwelt in the novice.

As that was not his desire, Martel did not mind. Master Gilbert's approval meant he could train as either a weathermage or seamage, depending on his wish. The doors to his career remained open, whether one or the other.


The following Malday, Martel gathered with the other three novices, waiting for their introduction to earth magic. He watched his fellow students as they talked and joked amongst themselves. They probably had lots of classes together, not just this single one every fiveday. Martel had never made any efforts towards friendship, and neither had they; the age difference made it less interesting for him, and he assumed they were satisfied with their currently established friendships.

But perhaps he should try and find at least one more friend besides Maximilian. Even if it probably would not be among these novices, two or three years younger, it might serve as practice. Looking at the novice who had excelled in air magic, Martel cleared his throat. "That was impressive what you did last time. Making the winds blow against each other from opposite directions."

"Thanks. I like what you did, making the whirlwind."

"I'm sure Master Alastair will show you as well."

The novice shrugged. "Maybe at some point. We don't get individual lessons like you."

It did not sound like a reproach, but Martel felt a little guilty all the same. He was so used to feeling disadvantaged due to his age or background, especially compared to someone like Maximilian, it was strange to be reminded that he also had certain advantages, such as personal attention from the Master of Elements. "I guess I'm lucky."

"I'm just glad we are moving on to earth magic," interjected another novice, sparing Martel further awkwardness by changing the topic. "Master Alastair says I have a natural talent for it. Going to be nice doing some magic I'm actually good at."

A short and stocky teacher, identifiable by his purple robe with green and brown imagery, approached them. "You must be my students." He spoke in a slow, monotonous tone, which most of all reminded Martel of a turtle. "I am Master Basil. The Master of Earth."

The novices bowed their heads and mumbled greetings.

"Come. Walk. With me." Their teacher turned around and began walking towards the gate out of the Lyceum. "Earth magic has many uses. For soil. To ensure good harvest. Or stone. And brick. For buildings."

The novices settled in behind their teacher as they entered the streets. Whether walk or talk, they had no trouble keeping pace.

"Much can be done with hands. But magic ensures perfection." Master Basil patted the stones of the Lyceum as they walked alongside its walls on the street. "The whole school was built with magic. But first. Before any stone is placed. A good earthmage examines the foundation."

They moved east along the main road, and for a while, nobody spoke as if this had been the extent of the lesson, and now they were merely on a trip of leisure.

At length, Master Basil continued. "We approach the river. Outside the walls. This land here was marsh. Before it was drained. So the ground is reinforced. With piling under the buildings."

If Martel had not been outside, walking in the breeze, he feared he might fall asleep.

After an hour's walk, they reached the eastern gate closest to the school in the bridge district. Gazing through the entrance to the city, they saw the bridge itself across the Alonde river. The amount of traffic moving in and out forced them off the road to find another path until they could stand up against the wall. The nearby guards glanced at them, but either they recognised Master Basil, or else they knew to leave a man in purple robes alone.

"Look at these stones." For once, a touch of excitement snuck into their teacher's voice. It was the first sign of emotion he had exhibited. "Perfectly hewn. Each the same size as the others. A masterpiece."

The children followed his hand sliding over the stonework, acknowledging his words to be correct.

"Let us return. To the school."

Taking a deep breath while trying to keep a straight face, Martel followed his teacher and the other students back to the Lyceum.


Martel yawned as he sat down to eat his lunch. While he had slept fine, he somehow felt tired; not from the trip into the city and back, but simply from listening to Master Basil.

"Someone needs to go to bed earlier," spoke Maximilian's mocking voice.

"No, nothing like that. I started my first class in earth magic today."

"Say no more. If you could put that man's voice in a potion, you would be richer than the emperor."

Martel laughed and dug into his soup.

"By the way, you have plans tomorrow evening?"

"No, why?" The novice looked up at his friend. "I'm not feeling up for going to a tavern or anything like that," he quickly added. Just in case the inquisitors were still on the hunt.

"Nothing like that. My father should like to meet you."

Martel stared at the mageknight. "Why?"

"I have told him you are a promising young mage," Maximilian explained. "You would not refuse him, I hope?"

"No, of course not." Martel was rather surprised by the request, but he saw no reason to disappoint his friend.

"Great. I will send word, and his carriage may fetch us tomorrow." The mageknight stood up, collecting his plate and cup. "See you later, Nordmark. And enjoy your lessons with the turtle!"


Martel's character sheet (no change).


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