Happy New Year & FiT Roadmap (Patreon)
Happy New Year to all of my supporters and followers! Hopefully 2024 will be a great year for everyone!
I wanted to do my best to give an estimate of where FiT will go in the new year. So I created a bit of roadmap to help not only you, my supporters, but also myself. Disclaimer: This release schedule is only an estimate made with the assumption that my 9-5 job will continue to take a majority of my time in the coming year. It's also possible that things will change in the editing process. It is very likely that these times will move, either forward or back. (I've included Day 7 for you to compare how I summarize the days)
Dec/Jan - Day 7: Audrey visits MC and the girls with her niece.
Jan/Feb - Day 8: Our trio head to Audrey’s place for dinner.
Mar/Apr - Day 9: Kira, Annie and the trio meet up at the new house.
May/June - Day 10: Moving into the new house. Time jump X number of weeks. Audrey's sister is out of hospital.
Jul/Aug - Day 11: Audrey's sister visits for the first time. The girls reveal how much they know about Kira and MC's past.
Sep/Oct - Day 12: Aijla and Annie decide to share a room. Audrey is worried about being able to care for her sister and Mia
Nov/Dec - Day 13: Ivanna reaches out for help. Kira starts to notice the relationships that have formed.
2025 - Currently, my roadmap goes to Day 17. Without spoiling, Day 13 brings in the final act with some sort of "conflict" which resolves in the final Days, wrapping up neatly by day 17 with a possible epilogue chapter as the final release for FiT.
Features that I still want to implement:
Gallery for replays and photos sent via text message.
More fully featured smart phone (possibly tied to the gallery)
I'm excited to continue this adventure with the kittens into the New Year!