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I had to make another change because I felt like the full catification was a bit rushed. (That doesn't mean it won't happen, but it was a bit rushed :D). This time around Lauren only gets mittened in Chapter II, so she is a bit less helpless when Chapter III starts.

Chapter III

As the hours go by, you find yourself... sane.

You expected that you would be turned into a mindless a bimbo from the serum. But you still perceive yourself as Lauren Jones. And you are still in control of your actions.

Your libido however was altered. And by now you find yourself twisting your hands in the mittens for the sake of reaching your vagina instead of unlocking yourself from the frame. As you keep struggling, you can hear a loud thud, followed vibrations on the floor as the ship is shaking around you. We landed. Only a minute passes, and the cargo hold's door opens, Amira at the other side holding a metal chain.

"Come, pet. You are about to have your first lesson," she says after you are unlocked from the frame, your mittened hands cuffed behind, the end of the chain attached to your collar.

The woman leads you out of the vessel, and you can feel the air touching your soft skin. Before you there is a medieval looking settlement. One of the many scattered throughout the sector. Any other time you would feel comfortable here. But now you are scared as a comet, as Amira leads you on the street, countless people looking at your naked form.

I need to escape somehow, you think to yourself. But then you stop motionless, as you catch sight of a woman, blonde, in her twenties, with pale blue eyes that are somehow eerie to you.

"Smehroh?" you try to say Sharon, but for a moment you forgot that you are gagged, seeing the woman who has been your rival for years, both of you competing for the same jobs either deliberately or through sheer accident.

"Kiss her boot, pet," Amira commands.

Nervous, you glance at her, and you gulp. She is your rival! But Amira steps behind you, and she unlocks your ballgag, the end of the chain held firmly in her hand.

"I said, kiss her boot," she says firmly.

Nervous, you gulp again. But eventually your fear takes the better out of you, and you kneel down on the ground, and start kissing the woman's boot.

"Start licking it," Sharon says. Now your superior too. Out of choice you follow the order, and you start licking her boot with your tongue.

"Gave her the serum already?" Sharon asks.

"It's always fun to watch them. Living in denial as they sink deeper and deeper into submission," Amira answers.

"True," Sharon says. "So, why the meetup?"

"I managed to extract what she found from her ship's mainframe. Now it's time for you to do your magic, and connect the dots she could never have so we could finally find the prototype."

"What guarantees that I don't end up like her?" she asks next.

It is a small gasp Sharon gives out, after an electro dart lands in her stomach, it's origin Amira's handgun.

"You will end up like her," Amira says after Sharon collapsed on the ground in front of her. "Right after you helped me find my prototype." She attaches a collar to the woman's neck, and she connects it with a chain to yours.

"Come on pet," she says, then your leash yanked you realize that you are expected to drag the unconscious body back to the ship, using your neck as a basin.

I need to escape somehow, your think to yourself again, as you start dragging the body through the street. But for now it seems that obedience is your only option.


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