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What's my challenge this year? Cool old cars and anthro animals!

I'm not a fan of many modern cars so, this is an opportunity to draw old cars and some fun outfits.

Where do YOU come in? Choose a vehicle (it will then be crossed out) and pick an animal to anthropomorphize. You can also pick a gender, outfit and/or situation, if you'd like.

This will be a BIG challenge so, I don't fully believe I'll do all 30 but, I'll shoot for at least 15!

Art starts October 1




Don't know too much about old cars, but it would be nice to see a wifwolf with a family car ^^ Also would mind seeing some cool antthro rockabilly girls, maybe with a truck? Not sure what rockabilly peeps would've driven ^^


I'd like to see a Bat relaxing in the desert at night with the Brat.