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Did a Be The Girl for Sharkie and now finally doing the pics! I did forget a couple of things I only noticed while transcribing the text. Hope I got close enough. 

ART NOTE: Hand-drawn at 8.5" x 5.5" and digitally colored

IRL NOTE: shoulder is better but, after a couple of hours of coloring, I'm calling it a day for digital art. Whew!

AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 4’0”


Body (enhancements): 

1. Petite (4’0”) +24*
5. Squishy +2
6. More to Love (25%) +11 (SWAPPED)
7. Growth Spurt (hips, thighs, butt) +4
8. Ballistics +5 (SWAPPED)
9. Gams for Days +4 (SWAPPED)
10. The Wild Side (goblin) +4
14. Depilated +3
15. Everclean -3
16. Perfumed (sweet cream) +2
17. Freckled (all the freckles) +3
20. Sensitive (waist) +7
21. Ahegao (upgrade) +7 (SWAPPED)
22. Delicate Flower +7
23. Dainty Digits +3
25. Rapunzel (ankle length) +15
26. Palette Swap +1
27. Dye Job (silver) +3
30. Snaggletooth +2
31. Pucker Up +4
33. Sexy Voice +4
35. Singing Voice -1
37. Softspoken +4
38. Cute Mug +4
39. Flutter +3
40. Eye Dye (heterochromia. purple/silver) +5
41. Innocent Eyes +4
45. Weakling +7
46. Carry That Weight -7
50. Balancing Act -5
51. Stilt Walker +3
56. Milky +5
58. Hot Stuff +4
61. Ticklish +2
64. Night Owl +6
69. Regression (age 18) -3



2. No Male Clothing +3
5. Fashion Forward +5
7. A Farewell to Pants +5
8. Heely Good Time (3”) +3*
9. Shinies +6
10. Pierced (extreme) +14
14. QT +9
15. Not QT (elegant) -2
17. Immodesty +6*
19. Made Up +3
21. Hair Affair +3
23. Rainbow Warrior +4 (SWAPPED)
28. Mirror Mirror +8*
29. Eloquence +5
30. Bleep +3*
38. Tell No Lies +7
40. B-b-bird is the Word (slight lisp) +6
41. Tee Hee (giggly) +7
42. Smile +4
44. Flirt +7
45. Feminine Wiles +6
46. Knees Together +5
47. Touchy Feely +4
48. Sashay +6
49. Strike a Pose (sexy) +10 (SWAPPED)
50. Well Mannered (extreme) +6
51. Pinkies Out +3
53. Suck it up, Buttercup (oral sex addiction) +11
54. Smooches +8
57. Geek Love +8
59. Mos Deferential +10*
60. Agreeable +8
61. Serve +7
62. Working Girl (maid) +7
74. Melody Maker (piano) +3
78. Media Blackout +7
77. Girl Power -4
80. Playing Dumb (mitigated) +4
81. Safe Search +5
82. No Touching +10 (SWAPPED)


Mental Shifts: 

6. Pushover +8
7. Eyes on Me (attention seeker) +15 (SWAPPED)|
10. Insecure (being wimpy) +10
12. Praiseworthy +6
14. Follower +9
16. Heavy Petting +7*
17. Romantic +7
20. Drama Addict +8 (SWAPPED)
22. Retail Therapy +8
25. Talons (long) +16
26. Fashionista +8
27. That’s so Kawaii +9
28. Tasteful +8*
32. Open Face +7
34. Crybaby +7
39. Empathy +7
40. Nurturing +8
42. Wimpy +6
44. Act Your Age +12
45. Late Bloomer +12
46. Reset +25
47. Normality +11
51. Kiss Me, You Dork +8
54. L-Lewd +8
55. Fire Down Below +5
57. Submissive +9
58. Fit to be Tied +10
61. Whenever, wherever +9
64. Shameless +10
66. Fancy Free +6 (SWAPPED)
67. The Loneliest Number +11
68. Stepfordized +15
70. Secret Shame (mecha and gunpla toys) +7
71. Pls No Bully +10 (SWAPPED)
74. Tongues (native Japanese Speaker) 0
79. Scatterbrained +8
83. Skill Swap +?
84. Skill Lock


2. Form +15
3. Maleness +20
4. Change +40
5. Virginity +15
7. Matching Set +20
8. Fading Out +30


8. This is not my beautiful house!




Quantity over quality
savor the moment
Skill up
Waifu for Laifu




Looking good! Love seeing more greenskins ^^