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It turns out it wasn't just a cold followed by my usual, annual two-day bout of hay-based allergies...

It was COVID-19!


But, thanks to vaccines, my symptoms were so minor, I thought they were something else entirely!

Now, this may seem like tooting my own horn but, I expect you all could toot in the same way and I hope others will, too.

I tested the day I felt the "cold" coming on. Even though it was negative, I still masked up when teaching a mountain bike skills clinic on Thursday (that's how mild my symptoms were!). I just didn't want to give anyone a regular cold but, it turns out I was helping to keep them COVID-free. 

I hope this becomes a thing in my country: wearing masks when 'regular' ill just to prevent 'regular' illnesses from spreading.

Anyhoo, I'm sent home from work until Saturday due to the test but, I'm feeling fine. 

My wife, however is having not so much fun. She's all vaxxed and her symptoms are mild but, she doesn't do well with 'regular' illnesses, anyway. So, I'm making her soup, lemon and honey water and forcing her to stay in bed rather than try to work from home...

So, stay well, all you beautiful nerds!



I really hope mask wearing becomes the norm as well when someone is feeling sick, even after this whole COVID business is gone and fully dealt with. Hope wifey gets well soon!