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Hey, gang.

Hope your spring is going well. I really do.

I had quite a bit of things literally on the drawing board but, now they're on hold. I'm having a hell of a time processing what happened in Texas. i'm nowhere near TX but, i can't but, see my niece in that situation and I'm absolutely livid. And afraid. And embarrassed at the nation I call home. 

So, until I get my brain back together, the art will be on hold. Hard to get into the mood, you know? 

If you're wondering, I'm okay. I have a great support network and my spouse watches over me. 

Stay well, all of you. I mean it. 



That's okay, take your time. Tragedies like this all hit us differently, and it's only normal to be affected by it. Stay strong, stay well, and I hope your country will get through it!