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Well, I'm back from North Carolina and COVID-negative. Whew!

N.C. was nice. If you're a cyclist, N.C is the most intensely beautiful place to ride where you simply can't ride. Oh, there's mountain biking but, just leaving from your house and hitting the road is impossible. Even when the drivers are courteous (and, actually, most were), the roads are just too narrow (I'm talking road in Yorkshire in the 30's narrow) and so twisty as to make navigating them in an averaged-sized pickup truck difficult. 

We tried to ride but, got too scared (or feeling like jerks for backing up traffic) after two miles and called it. It was definitely painful to see and not ride. A place called Hooker's Gap (tee hee) was a torture to drive but, not be able to ride.

Anyway, I did some riffing on a piece that my wife made of a gryphon drinking tea. I decided on a raven gryphon. After a few sketches, I thought I'd make them a very bling-y gryphon. Did this one steal the Louis Vitton bag or is it theirs? Who knows!

Art to commence soon!
